posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 07:58 AM
The above posters are spot on - I'm in the Uk so clearly things are little different, but when it comes down things like this, there is one golden
Get it in writing ASAP with a start date.
Another thing worth considering is that sometimes companies have pay structures that work in arrears so you may well need to wait until the next
payroll session.
I know I'm going on a bit, but another point is that your boss said that they are 'going' to give a payrise, not we 'have' given you a payrise.
This is reason you need to get an effective from date, in writing, asap, in case it doesn't happen. You then have something to fall back on in terms
of claiming for backpay.
I know from personal experience that it's a bummer waiting for a payride to kick in. I got promoted back in June, complete with 5 grand payrise, BUT,
it doesn't kick in until september. It sucks, and I'm skint too, but you gotta have the faith...
Fortunately, I have it all in writing.
Good luck dude.