posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 12:00 AM
Hello Mr. Marrs,
As a huge fan of "Crossfire", my question to you has to do with (of course) the JFK hit.
What is your take on the account of Roland "Bud" Culligan?
Kenn Thomas supplied a very interesting piece on this character a while back now, and the account has plagued my mind ever since. Besides the Thomas
piece there is very little available on Culligan and I would be very interested to hear from you as to the nature of this man and whether or not you
think his account is truthful or a very well crafted disinformation tactic.
Here is a link to a thread I had on Culligan:
Culligan Thread
On the subject of these peripheral characters I am also curious as to your impression of Richard Case Nagell, Charles Harrelson, and Kerry
[edit on 16/8/2007 by Beelzebubba]