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The Monster of Loch Morar - Nessie takes a holiday ?

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posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:06 AM
Loch Morar seems as likely a candidate as any for the home of a large creature, over 1000 feet in places it is deeper than Loch Ness, although not as large a body of water. Its alleged resident monster has been dubbed Morag, and was involved in perhaps one of the most frightening and physical encounters, of any British lake monster.

In August 1969, Duncan McDonnell, and Bill Simpson, were fishing on the loch in a motor cruiser. They became aware of a loud splashing in the water behind them and turned to see a large object in the water, which rammed the boat side-on in a deliberate manner. Simpson grabbed his shotgun from the boat and fired at the creature, which was described as 25 to 30 feet long, with dirty brown rough skin, 3 large black humps and a snake like head. The creature slowly slipped back under the water after it had been shot at, much to the relief of the two men. Morag has been seen on several other occasions, and the lochs remoteness (there is no road around the Loch) compared to Loch Ness, suggests that there would be many more sightings if the Loch was more accessible.

Like Loch Ness the sightings go back into history, and may have been part of common folklore before the sightings became publicised. Many other Scottish lochs are said to harbour monsters. Among these are Loch Lochy, Loch Arkaig, Loch Oich, Loch Linnhe, Loch Quoich, and Loch Shiel, (three of these along with Loch Ness are situated on the Great Glen Fault) many others were believed to have enchanted qualities.

Lake Monsters

I've been to a few of the Loch's mentioned earlier, and am yet to see anything remotely resembling a lake monster. I did go on one of the boats along Loch Ness and the sonar picked something up, but fook knows what it was.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 09:09 AM
Been to a few of them myself, pisky.
Was it just me, or do you find some of those lochs, particularly Loch Ness very eerie.
Take Loch Lomond for example - it's absolutely stunning and I find it a very peaceful place. In contrast, Loch Ness and some of the others you mentioned seem the opposite (just my opinion). Am i picking up some vibes from hitherto unknown forces, or is the legend of the area subsonsciously causing me to feel this way?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Wouldn't say that Nessie took a holiday, Morag's been around even longer that nessie, I think.

The thing most intresting about the sightings of Morag as opposed to other criptids is that the description of the creature has changed little ofer the years.

There might be more sigthings if everyone gets over their hang-up on Loch Ness.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by funlovincriminal
Was it just me, or do you find some of those lochs, particularly Loch Ness very eerie.

I know what you mean. Loch Ness is quite spooky, especially at night, but I think a lot of it is because of the blackness of the water. There is so much peat sediment in it that you can only see a foot or so down.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:14 PM
I've never been to Loch Ness (Actually, I've never been to Scotland
), but I know of a similar creature that is supposed to live in Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake).

Teggie is her name, taken from Llyn Tegid, the Welsh name for the lake and she's the kind of slippery character who makes Nessie look like a camera-obsessed celeb. Her last big film appearance was back in the Technicolor days of 1976, and, aside from breathless outbursts from fishermen and a submarine search by a Japanese film crew in 1999, she seems more closely related to Lord Lucan than her attention-seeking cousin.

The shy monster of Bala lake

Teggie, the monster of Llyn Tegid

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