posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 04:24 PM
This is what happens when you get bored...
I was thinking of an idea in which countries submit aircraft they have and compete in different events. Some events I think would be good are the 200
mile "dash" (from takeoff) , absolute ceiling, time-to-climb 50,000 ft., low level speed at 500 ft., and a race between two major cities (>3000
miles). Any other events you can think of? Assuming countries could restore and fly aircraft now in museums, what do you think some winners would
Absolute ceiling: Mig-25
Time-to-Climb 50,000 ft.: F-22
Low Level speed 500 ft.: TSR.2
200 mile dash: Mig-25
3,000+ mile race: SR-71
I think other contenders would be the TU-144, SU-27, Sukhoi T-4, Concorde, YF-23, and XB-70.
Any others?