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ATS People being checked out!

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posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:49 AM
Well, it's definitely an interesting experience you had. And you aren't alone, I have light concerns of my own about drawing unwanted attention to myself due to my involvement with ATS. Fortunately nothing has happened yet to give me any cause for any real concern.

I'd be very surprised though to learn it were not true that someone on the government payroll, in a nice air-conditioned office somewhere has a job consisting only of keeping tabs on ATS and all that transpires here. For that matter, it probably happens around the clock with multiple shifts involved.

How's that for hypothesizing

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:12 AM
And I'm a donkey from Chernobyl here to eat your brains!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:21 AM
There's no such thing as psychic attacks. We do not Attack Psychically, or any other way against people in ATS, or anywhere else. You can forget the whole thing.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:26 AM
I really don't think it's fair to call the OP paranoid.

He is attempting to share an unusual experience with us using his intuitional understanding and where he thinks the interest occured is by posting on ATS. Whether he is correct or not can't be seen at this time.

None the less he has the right to speculate and tell us his understanding of what happened based on the way he has interpeted the occurance.

To discard things others feel because you have nothing to compare it to can keep you from learning.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Did you smoke anything

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Here Now, ignore the bad comments. Some people just have trouble accepting that remote viewing does exist. Now though, I don't think whoever checked you out was from the government or because of ATS. Unless there is something you're not telling us, we can't know who attacked you. If it was from the government, then there must be a specific reason for this.

[edit on 16-8-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Here Now,

I absolutely agree with " Interestedalways " she/he has a great point.
I Thank you for sharing and I wish I could have been of more help, but so far I wouldn’t know what to tell you other then what I have already.

Again thanks and keep on asking even with those responds that lack wisdom.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Here Now,

I absolutely agree with " Interestedalways " she/he has a great point.
I Thank you for sharing and I wish I could have been of more help, but so far I wouldn’t know what to tell you other then what I have already.

Again thanks and keep on asking even with those responds that lack wisdom.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Here Now
Close to a month ago I had an interesting encounter with possible government agents. I was in my room and noticed that I was coming under psychic attack. I had a semi clear view of the people involved and realized (intuitively) it was a Remote viewing team checking me out. I clearly knew it was a team of 3 individuals, 2-3 men or 2 men and 1 woman. They made an attempt to cut into my space-time which I was in. My consiousness went into automatic and I successfully was able to bend that space-time to keep them from seeing anything clearly. They either knew I was on to them and gave up or felt no threat present and moved on. Has anyone else had any issues of similar regards? It was a clear violation of my privacy but how do we prove such a thing?
I believe that this experience happend because of my participation on ATS.

[edit on 14-8-2007 by Here Now]


posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:15 PM
Remote Veiwing doesn't exist. Just ask the CIA remote Veiwing Department. They will send you to the NSA RV department, who will send you to the FBI RV department, who will send you to the nearest FBI agent, who will tell you it doesn't exist. And don't ask the Russians or British, because they will see you coming and the same thing will happen.
Every government in the world seems to have or had a remote veiwing department. So there must be some truth in it.
As for the OP's (Here Now) story, I can't speak to the veracity. If he is speaking plainly,and he beleives what he has written, then I take it at face value and offer the advice of the ancient Celts. If it is not as written, then he already has his answer.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Since the OP in his opening post did extend feelers into the community by wondering if we had had similar phenomena.

Last year, October thru December I observed several occurances that have no pattern to lock them into. I mean I can't build myself a solid enough theory to hold on to the truth of thier existance and have it mean something to me or so it seems simply because the language and the truth is not being spoken, it is somehow veiled and just unreal enough to make even the experiencer begin to doubt what he/she knows and return to a mental place where the pieces fit and you can go on with your life without being preoccupied with learning what and why.

Okay, after that opening I just want to relay the action and leave out the surrounding words of description and setting, etc.

I also want to mention that I am not 100% sure of the chronological order one or two might be mixed up in my memory about what was before or after what but the essence remains. As I mentioned earlier the activities covered about 2 1/2 - 3 months.

First out there thing I was sitting on my bed accross from my closet which had the double doors open. Lights were on, feeling peaceful and all. Suddenly I hear a sound that I can't identify. I also sensed many things about it as I *heard* it. The sound was like a superfast bullwip. Faster that a bullwhip could go. Similar in rhythem to a helicoptor blade. It sounded like distorted air movement. A passing by/through movement. It was percieved as low in the closet and my minds image of the sound was like a lion ( the whir/pur?) encapsulated or at one with the movement which existed in a clear wavy glass ocean.

Next thing was participating on a thread sitting at the computer with my eyes closed and meditating. When I returned to my regular state I went to type and saw a puncture with a pool of blood sitting on it on my forearm in the meatiest area below the elbow. On both side of the hole with the *bubble* of blood were semi-circle marks facing the opposite of each other and away from the hole. They had the appearance of a slight burn because the skin wasn't broken and they already had the skin healing them like the skin was never penetrated by something sharp, but something hot or searing.

Not too long after that I noticed early in the morning that I had a healing indention very close to the area of my forearm that the hole was. Only it was deep into the part of the arm that you can dig down far enough in the flesh to make a wound that appears as if you have had a chunk scooped or removed from you, and already healing from the inside part where the flesh was missing.

Another time I was doing a meditation on line with a *freind* who facilitated a small group of people who were to listen to a particular song and send energy through the keyboard by consciously focusing and sending to the room and table we imagined the groups conciencness to be directed and combined. Second part was to sit with palms facing outward, begin the song again and send the energy outward to the world.

When time was up and I attempted to refocus and shake it off I felt basically like my neck was being held as if by a vise like grip and I was pretty much paralzyed and couldn't break free or move. That had been the second time I participated, the first time I had nothing unusual happen. I felt very uneasy afterwords and I felt tricked and used. When I typed in what happened I was very surprised to hear that another girl had the same thing happen, also at the back of her neck. I never returned to that weekly ~~~~energy harvesting!

Next while lying down in that state where you are just about to fall into that freedom known as sleep I was startled by a ring encircling my lower waist, hip area. The circle was moving very fast in a circle I could feel it penetrate my body with the fast circular motion then suddenly move itself straight up my waist and finish at the neck/head area. Then it was just gone. The most important part of this was that it was as if the sound/movement from the closet that day had become a vibrating wreath of pulsing energy permeating my body and then just nothing. The sound took a different form and performed a different function yet seemed to use the same technology as far as superimposing onto or interupting the established gravity rules.

A few times after that when I would be all ready to drift off I would be interupted by different kind of pressure manipulation in my head, like ears creating vacumn pops. The back of my seeming to be depressurized by a chunk being removed leaving a fast hard suction feeling to wake me.

After this kept happening I started sleeping on the couch cause I was allowing my mind to suggest to itself that it was getting scary, going to sleep. No occurances on the couch, but I had no fear there and the tv on.

The other thing that happened at this same time is that I was in the middle of a marathon chat with a person I quickly claimed as a teacher of great understanding. He seemed to be years ahead in his ability to communicate and exibited such a vast awareness surrounding the mysteries and dramas we play out here on earth. Emphasizing you should come to know and understand even that which is undesireable so that you can understand it and gain defense thru knowledge of.

Anyway as we were talking I noticed something that seemed to be hovering on my left side near my temple and facial area. I was picking it up by sensing it peripherialy, as if it was in my vision yet it shouldn't have been able to see so clearly It appeared as a circular object in the shape of car speakers with the conical shape which rippled with silvery ripples creating higher and lower rhythem in between each of the rippled grooves according to which of the layers of image was activated my brain seemed to respond passively to it's ripple invasion!

I remember the details well because I was talking to my friend and he helped me to maintain an attitude of curiousity and I focused on describing to him what I was percieving. For the record he believed it to possibly be a scan of my software, I mean brain! He stated it could be done and that it is even possible to download the the brain of most anyone.

In closing I will mention also that at the end of September right before this stuff started I caught a brief local newsman making mention of "The gates of Babylon are about to open" I did find that the solstice was about to happen later that week.

By chance I soon relocated and haven't had any such unusual happenings since. I don't think it was something attached to the house I think it was something directly related to me and maybe even to scare me away from my seeking or to discredit me if I told the story.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 06:24 AM
Yeah fair enough.


Please Check Your u2u's

[edit on 8/19/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Sorry I killed the thread

Somethings are just better off kept to yourself, I suppose.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:38 PM
Very interesting Here Now. IMO the mind or brain is the last frontier. We use very little of it and the possibilities are limitless. Many yrs. ago I learned how to stop my hiccups by using my mind. I then decieded to control yawning. I no longer yawn when others in the room yawn. I am now working on other projects to control different bodily functions. This tiny bit of mind control frightens the heck out of me. I can imagine the control someone could achieve if he/she were to put more time and energy into controling their mind.

As for probing your mind because you are an ATS member.......well no reason for this unless this site is the jumping off place for a secret organization. ATS is my favorite site and I very much enjoy seeing whats on the minds of intellegent people.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 05:41 PM
Sorry if I have'nt read any of the past posts but what the OP stated is clearly freaky, I've never felt that someone was remote viewin' me, the only time I felt as if someone was watchin' me was when I had took a shower and felt someone eyein' me, but it turned out to be my girl and I don't mind that at all.
(hey anything is possible if aliens exist, so ya could be right)

[edit on 22-8-2007 by steve-o]

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 02:07 PM

Well what can I say? These are not my claims but what I know to be. (research will only tell you... I cant tell you otherwise)

Here are the facts:

1. Remote Viewing is real. The CIA came up with it in the 60's. When someone discovers something and improves it over time, it will become more honed to perfection. There.. its possible for 'Remote Viewers' to have the highest "technical means" to do what we think, is impossible today.

2. Reports of UFOS, everywhere... good example as people are stating "CGI" in these videos. This may be a bit of a warning here.

What if I am a CGI expert, I decided to make a video on someone murdering someone else, or any type of crime, etc, but in CGI format type and no one, not even professional video analysts can tell the difference between a hoax and the reality of the video.

That can be scary. Not only someone making CGI UFOs videos but I do believe that people can also make videos of people, looking to be so authentic.

3. Government agents involved in investigations, counterreacting and keeping people quiet regarding many things.

Yes this is true. We all know that is true. We cannot deny it. Consider this as a piece of "technology" and perfect it to the maximum. You will be a super "agent" in total control. Keeping people quiet in many ways have been done for centuries but with our current technologies on hand, today, makes us perfectionists.

4. Knowledge is POWER.

We all know that is true too. Common sense. But WHAT IF, that knowledge is controlled ? ...

You were born, raised, went to school.... maybe went to college... maybe got married... maybe had kids... maybe worked all your life (or became rich and played around all ur life)... then finally retired...

laying in that deathbed.. your final hour is up...

last moments, you begin to remember your history... like a flash..

then you finally died...

... the question remains... was your life worth it? Was the knowledge gained worth it?

What happens then? ...

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