I am new so dont make a mockery of me. I was wondering since the NWO controls a lot of what happens in the world today then what is their point in
the Israel and Palestine war?
Also i was wondering if any one knew a website that had any information of any of the NWO leaders of the location of the NWO?
My take on it is that the wants to keep hold of Israel for some reason, I do not know what. It uses its subsidies from America to fund telecoms
companies that can spy on any American citizen...
They allies with towle heads, why do you think they won't let the American puppet government sit back while Isreal kicks @$$. No, they come in and
tell them to stop. The towelheads don't worry for NWO watches out for them. So they do what they want.
Why does any "NWO" have to have anything to do with the conflict in the middle east? It is a dispute over land, and there is little evidence to
show that there is any secretive power involved
I personally don't believe in NWO.So I don't see how it can any connection with Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
But Pizzaman if you want to find out more about NWO visit the New World Order Forum here.You'll find at least 60 topics and on those topics you'll
find plenty of links I'm sure.