posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:57 PM
While the comment he made was stated in a way that had absolutly no tact. i agree with it.
most of the people on welfare these days shouldnt be. people need to learn to take care of themselves instead of relying on tax payer money to pay for
all of theirstuff. if you are disabled, medically ill, or you loose the main bread winner in your household for some reason i can understand the need
to be on it. but i see so many people who drive around nice cars, by nice clothes etc...and are on welfare and it is ridiculous.
its these kinds of people who sit there and pop out kid after kid and keep ringing in the tax payer money that have no right to be on it and they are
animals. they are gouging all the goods for themselves. it's these kinds of people that make those that are truly in need, live in squallor or stress
everyday about how they are going to get buy on their food stamps because their isnt enough left. more people need to learn to get off their butts and
get a job, and learn a little sexual control and not have kids if they cant afford it. then maybe the people that have medical illnesses, lost a
spouse, laid off, or are disabled would actually be able to get some real help, and live a half way decent life. personally it would take something
completly huge in my life to even make me consider taking welfare. i just believe it is meant for those that are less fortunate and in need of this
emergency assistance. and as far as people running into hard times, it happens. and unfortunatly maybe that means you have to move into a smaller
home, or go without fast food for a while. you do what you have to do, find another job, sell some belongings. it just seems to me that people are
much more willing to get on welfare than to see what they will have to sacrifice in order to get their affairs in order.
[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]