posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Wow, here I write this post scared.
scared because I know any minute the managers going to ask me to join him for a chat.
I work for the government, a branch in Australia presently.
like most people I love the gym, and our building has this fantastic new facility, fully re done...
I usually get to work around 7, workout till 8, then hit the day.
But last week a memo was circulated
'' Any employee's who are NOT full-time permanent are restricted from using the gym actioned immediately ''
annoyed, i contacted my managers... i love the gym, im a full time 12month contractor...
'' thats fine sir.. you can join the social club, pay $5 per fortnight and use it that way ''
no problems, 5$ is cheap, and a few drinks with the social club now n then wont hurt.
so I see the social club
'' I wanna sign up please, to use the gym ''
'' sorry sir, we are not taking any more members ''
.... shocked.. I sat there, and
Im not allowed to use a gym, thats barely used... simply because the social club doesnt want another 'paying member'
So, I went to management.
and got the basic bs about liability, its the social clubs concern rah rah rah.
So pizzed off, i wrote a letter to my news paper.
' the west australian '
detailing the hypocrisy within the Australian government.
they preach about obesity, healthy lifestyles etc etc.
A healthy worker is a good worker.
these were all comments I used to my managers TOO in detailing my side of the 'for' argument.
And upon opening todays paper, on the inside cover, in big letters is my letter.
holy crap, i think im about to be fired.