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Insurance Companies Question 9/11

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posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 12:32 AM
I do not know if this was posted yet but here it is:

“As incomplete and inadequate as FEMA’s investigation was, theirs was not the only one conducted. The World Trade Center was heavily insured, and the companies that were due to pay those claims commissioned their own private investigation.

The difference between the insurance investigation and FEMA’s study is quite remarkable.

The insurance companies had unfettered access to the site of the collapse beginning on the very afternoon of September 11th.

They were also granted access to powerful computer programs used by the Pentagon for classified research; the FEMA investigators were not.

The insurance companies have produced thousands of pages of analysis and an equally staggering number of diagrams and photographs. However, the results of these investigations have remained private.

It is interesting to note that a shareholder in Allianz Group proposed denying payment due to evidence of insurance fraud.
full article

At least I see one insurer who has his head on straight. I guess the insurance
company did a more thorough investigation the FEMA.
I hope they do not pay the owner any money and I hope they find
the true culprits.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99

I hope they do not pay the owner any money and I hope they find
the true culprits.

They did pay him. $7.3 billion dollars or something of that nature. They counted both planes hitting as 2 separate attacks. And they dont plan on finding the people who did the attack.

That is why you have wackjobs like me who want to know the truth.

Where did you find this??

how old is this article...

You should search ATS or even google before posting something, exp about 9/11.

[edit on 8/13/2007 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:14 PM
There are a couple of threads on this forum that discuss quite a few of the insurance related issues of 9/11. The thread that I was involved in (under the name ipsedixit) was the following:

There is some light hearted stuff in this thread but most of the second half of the thread deals with press articles related to interesting potential explanations for the post 9/11 attitudes and behavior of the insurance companies involved.


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