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I've spotted a strange dog creature

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posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 12:05 PM
I work in the mornings, and walk some ways up a hill towards my bus stop, but for the last week or so, near the top of the hill, I keep seeing this dog creature, but it isn't normal. At the closests, I've to maybe 15 meters from it. It would hop around in the grass, spot me and then gallop away. It's running style is what threw me off, because it was much for of a jump bounce type style, similar to that of a gazelle then any dog i've ever seen.

At first I thought it had to be a stray, because its a pretty ghetto type communty, but yesterday, I was up fairly close and saw that it didn't have much fur, and that its skin was off a tad. I could also see its teeth hanging out, even with its mouth closed.

any idea what it could be?

Tomorrow ill see if its out again, and if it is then the following day i'll bring my camera with me.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:17 PM
hey whats up,

well for starts how big is this dog creature in height campared to you and does it resemble a dog for the most part?

i believe what you seen i really do and here are my ideas on what it could be ..

for starts it could be a dog with mange it is a type of infection that causes the dog to loose hair and shed more then just a lil bit of hair mange dogs shed patches of hair and most of there out word features like its teeth and ears and even eyes and tongue drop out of were there suppose to be so that could be it and as for the running thing it could just be how that particular dog learned to run well if you got more i would like to here later for now

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:25 PM
well, first off, welcome to ats rebeltanker, and now back on subject, interesting thread, i would tell you to not wait to take a camera if there is a strange dog creature roaming around your hood, take one with you whenever you go out, that is the only way people will believe you is if you have proof. good luck

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 01:24 PM
My first thought was mange, like a poster above, but then I had another idea, albeit farfetched and relatively ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

Haha What came to mind? Chupacabra! Just the way you described the skin and the hopping made me think of it. It's probably not what it is, but who knows.

On the more likely end of things, here's some info on sarcoptic mange, which is probably the kind of mange the animal has if that's what it was:

[edit on 14/8/07 by xhorrorgasmx]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:52 PM

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:48 AM
Most likely a stray with mange and malnutrition. Don't get too close to it if you see it again, its a wild animal after all and may have a go at your neck!

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:12 PM
So after seeing this thing for a couple weeks, I decided to walk a different path to avoid it.

Getting off the bus I was walking near this golf course, when I see another one. It seems as though my neighbor and our mail guy has seen them recently too. This one was close to the same size, except a much smaller tail, and and shorter legs. Immediately I stopped and watched as it crossed the street and I slowly chased it as it went down an alley way. Turning the corner into the alley, I heard maybe 4 different dogs in their corresponding yards barking like mad at it and it started galloping.

The best part about it was it jumped into some bushes on the side and I didn't dare walk up to them in fear it would unleash its fury upon me.

Im very interested in it, but don't want to get hurt trying to learn more

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by TheSims10
Tomorrow ill see if its out again, and if it is then the following day i'll bring my camera with me.

Any luck with carrying your camera with you?

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 11:14 AM
Yeah, get a pic. It sounds like it's the same dog to me. Probably just hungry and mangey the poor thing. Have you tried aproaching it with food for a better look? I would.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 11:29 AM
I agree with everyone else^^ It's probably just a poor little hairless dog that just happens to look like freak;p

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:25 PM
My first reaction was to tell you to phone animal welfare but they'll probably put it to sleep. Sounds like it's quite starved and desperate. I'd buy some tins of food and empty one in the bushes to see if you can get a closer look and, to feed the poor creature up a bit. Shame.could it be a coyote or similar?

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:13 PM
Coyote maybe?

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 08:16 AM
My dog runs exactly how you described. We call him a deer dog because he runs a bit then jumps up like a deer that got scared. And yeah its probably a dog or coyote. Id feed it but not stand too close to the food when it eats. It could be food agressive and if you get too close while its eating you might get hurt.


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