posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:17 AM
Just wanted to share my opinion.
My mom is very spiritual and believes in psychics.
About 10 years ago, she went to Israel to visit her sister. They went to a medium who can channel spirits from the other side.
My mom never met her, and didn't know she would be visiting this person.
When speaking with the medium, all she was asked was her name, birthday, and that's it. The medium channeled my dead grandmother. She started
calling my mom in Russian, using her nickname that my grandmother used to use (The medium doesn't know any Russian).
The medium then started asking about my family, which we were all in Canada at the time. She asked about everything that was happening in our lives:
(my dad's bad back and knee, the fact I was thinking of switching jobs at the time, my sister's situation with her school and fiancee, and my
brother's bad ankle, as well as educational situation). My mom was answering her questions in tears, as she couldn't believe her eyes.
so, either it was my real grandmother somehow communicating from the other side, OR, somehow this medium learned Russian, knew that my mom will come
see her that day, searched our entire family history, and somehow called a connection in Canada that knew all the small specific details in mine, my
brother's, sister's, and dad's lives at the present time.
make your own decision.