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In Praise of Vanity

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posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Now scientists are finding that looking good will make you healthier and wealthier than you ever imagined.

Vanity works. You may not like it (or perhaps you do), but caring about one's appearance, in the right way, is an essential trait in a world that lavishes its attention, money, jobs, respect, and all-around deference on good-looking people.

Study after study has found that fitter, better dressed, better groomed, and therefore better looking people are paid more, promoted faster, and rewarded with more positive evaluations.

If vanity is an essential tool in the workplace, it can be a lifesaver in the area of health. A fit body isn't only pleasing to the eye; it leads to decreased blood pressure, a reduced risk of cancers, improved immune function, and increased energy. Healthy skin both looks better and is a powerful indicator of inner health. Conversely, skin conditions such as moles, wrinkles, and age spots can sometimes indicate serious internal maladies. In fact, according to a study by the University of Pennsylvania's dept. of dermatology, people with a prematurely aged appearance not only have lower self esteem and less confidence, but are less healthy than those who have aged well.

Hooray for good vanity! Yup. I've personally experienced the beneficial aspects of good vanity.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 10:10 PM
Three cheers for good looking people!

Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, the benefits of vanity.

[edit on 11-8-2007 by thehumbleone]

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:09 AM
"Study after study has found that fitter, better dressed, better groomed, and therefore better looking people are paid more, promoted faster, and rewarded with more positive evaluations. "

I learned that in college, by Etiquette class and "taken more seriously" treatement of the better looking people by professors. Colleges have job placement standards to live up to, so... dress nicely, etc.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:59 AM
I guess this boads ill for those that are born with less than desirable features that don't have the good fortune of being born into a family that can afford to fix them and dress them as society deems "well".

Vanity is for the weak.


posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 04:17 PM
Exercising, eating right, et cetera, is a matter of health.

Vanity is loving to look at yourself in the mirror.

The fact that good looks (whatever the heck that means now-a-days) determines/heightens your reputation and paycheck is SAD.

Appearance over knowledge? over passion? pfft... :shk:

To some extent, I get it: being tedious with your appearance MIGHT (maybe) show that you are tedious with your work. But a clean person and a clean desk doesn't mean you've got a hard worker...

...nor a person of good moral character. (

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Thank Goodness.

I'm good looking, and wealthy.

When do I get to go places ?

Well, other than .....n/m.


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