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Possible "Signs" of the Next 9/11....

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posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 02:00 AM
Let's say for a minute that the gubment really is planning the next 9/11 as we speak. (which several of us believe to be the case)

What are some signs we should be looking for to tell when it's about to happen?

In the aftermath of 9/11, a good many of us saw "signs" that should have (and some claim did) tipped us off that something was about to happen.

What do you think will be some things to watch for before the next 9/11 occurs?

Personally, I think we should keep an eye on FEMA as I feel they will be mobilized just before the "events". Also, I'm gonna keep a watch on the stock market over the next little while to see if another "put options before the 9/11 attack" fiasco happens. Undoubtedly, if there IS to be another attack, those that are "in the know" will be selling off some of the stock before it's worthless.

All these "warnings" from Al-CIAda are kinda suspicious as well.

What ya think?


posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Let's say for a minute that the gubment really is planning the next 9/11 as we speak. (which several of us believe to be the case)

What are some signs we should be looking for to tell when it's about to happen?

In the aftermath of 9/11, a good many of us saw "signs" that should have (and some claim did) tipped us off that something was about to happen.

What do you think will be some things to watch for before the next 9/11 occurs?

ive had a thread running for a year now about this very thing. looking for warning signs or signs of foreknowledge. it can be read (and participated in) here


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