posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 11:54 PM
Im here in hillsboro in oregon and its airshow time but i saw something that was amazing it was a jet, by the sound and speed and it was shooting
sparks behind it and disneyland type fireworks that explode..... I've never seen something like that and I could definitely understand ufo reports
off of this.... It was maybe 3minutes and i ran and got my camera and of course it was done i was wondering what type of jet it was and if there are
any videos available i didnt find any thanks....
blue angels are performing and i doubt it was one of them and a-10s will be here but it was fast and was climbing really high and then diving like a
prop plane almost so it wasnt a-10 i dont think.... were supposed to have a f-15 flyby so thats the only thing i can think off