This was inspired by a response to a post I made in another thread.
I personally have used colloidal silver (not IONIZED SILVER) for several years now as a result of a recurring eye infection I had.
Just to summarize that for you guys; I had eye infections in my right eye that kept popping up on me at least 7 times a year. They were to the point
where I would blink and blood would drip from my eye. I saw numerous eye doctors and they all gave me the same allergy eye drops that were supposed to
knock it out. They took about a week to "work" which is the same length of time it took me to naturally get over them. I had heard that CS was good
for pink eye so I decided to try it (against the advice of the last doctor who laughed and told me it was crap). I put 3 drops in my eye and within a
couple of hours the redness and pain were gone. The sensitivity to light was gone the next morning when I woke up.
Needless to say, I have used it for this purpose ever since and my infections never get past the beginning stages anymore.
Since then, I have also had success with the following problems.
Lung Infection (used as a nasal spray) that stuck with me for almost a year before trying the CS on it. After CS was gone in about a week. Had a
chronic cough with loads of phlegm. Went through several doctor prescribed anti biotics including several Z packs with no success.
Abscessed teeth. Same as above, numerous treatments with penicillin and other antibiotics with no success. Pain ceased after 1 to 2 days of CS use on
the affected tooth. Infection free after a couple of days.
Burns. Have used on a few of my burns and my family also has. Seems to clear up the burned area within a few days.
Cuts: Have used it on all my cuts since then and have yet to get an infection. Can't say for certain if the CS is the reason for this or just a good
immune system.
Now, that being said, I do NOT use CS everyday. I only use it when I need it and even then I use it sparingly as minimal use seems to work just
The main concern a lot of people have about CS is
Argyria. This is a condition that causes your skin to turn
blue/gray and is permanent.
I have known many people over the years and have yet to meet one who had a negative experience with real colloidal silver. As a matter of fact, I
haven't even met one who had a problem with ionized silver.
The reason I'm posting this is to see what you guys have to say about the product.
I know that many of you think it's of the devil while some of you will also will also say it's the best thing that ever happened to them (as far as
illness/infection goes).
I will continue to use this product as I have NEVER had a bad experience with it and have had MANY positive experiences. I have had so many problems
knocked out while using it that I am a true believer.
However, I am very interested to what everyone has to say on the use of CS. Have any of you had any personal bad experiences? Any good ones?
What is your opinion on it?
Just as a note: I am NOT endorsing the use of CS. I am just stating my own controlled use of it and that it HAS (and continues to) worked for me. As
with anything you put into your body, you should def. do your own research on the subject and find out for yourself if it's right for you.