posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:49 PM
I hate to say this, but everything that you are seeing on that screen in front of you is CGI. No matter what quality the image was before being
touched by the computer, it is now CGI.
Yes, there is alot of data that can be discovered by reading the coding that is behind the image. Yes, there are a large number of fakes out there.
And Yes, it is sometimes difficult to glean the wheat from the chaff.
But that is the interesting part about researching such things. Imagine if David Suzuki did a 3 hr special and showed the world excellent close up
footage of all the alien craft types, with model specific data and interveiws with the alien pilots. All this documented and verified by 100 of the
worlds leading scientists, and spoon fed to the waiting world.
After we all ran out and got the DVD, what would we do? There are no more questions to debate. We'd all have to go chase Sasquatch until David got
the camera out for him.
My point here is that while we should question the veracity of proofs offered, we shouldn't quible over minutia or personality. If you think a
picture is fake, state why and explain it. Then be secure enough in your own manhood/womanhood to except that others will disagree with you.
I'd like to know why something is fake, and how it was done. But please don't litter up the boards with technogeek and insults. Most of us are
having a hard enough time understanding the time dilation effect in relation to the old verses new Dr. Who shows.