posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:14 PM
I was drving to SF last weekend, it's a 4 way on each side. I'm in the fast lane, doing 80( over the speed limit shhhh). There comes a small blue
sports car fast as hell on my butt. I don't get over, I'm already doing over hte speed limit AND there's a car infront of me so it's not like Im
holding up traffic. There's plenty of room for him to go into the next lane and go around since he thinks 80 mph isn't fast enough. He zips into the
next lane and proceeds to stick his whole arm out the window and give me the bird.
4 lanes apparently aren't enough for this jackarse, let alone going over the speed limit.
He also did it full view of my 3 kids, one who's old enough to know that's wrong.