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What is life, reality, everything?

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posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 12:34 AM
Ok, the other day I was buying a movie and as I was choosing wich one, I looked around and saw the people around me, there were kids, and couples, some reading, others listening music with the headphones, the security guard, everything suddenly came to a stop, in that moment it was like everything stopped for a second, and in that second I asked myself for the first time, What is the purpouse for all of this? I mean, I asked myself this question before, but this time I really thought about it, what is the purpouse to life, why are we living like zombies. Then I kept thinking about the meaning of life and I really need some sort of opinion, what is reality, or at least what can I do to feel like anything is worth doing, do we change reality with our actions? Or this is just one big ride and we are bound to move along? I have this feeling, that nobody cares about these questions, but at the same time I feel that I shouldnt ask this questions, I dont know, I hope someone asks this things like me, if you have some sort of theory please reply, also I read about a theory the other day but I cant remember the name of it, It basically said that even if you are dead you cant tell the difference and continue to "live" on.

[edit on 8-8-2007 by 002400]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:12 AM
People have been asking this question ever since people started asking questions. There is no definitive answer really. It is true that a lot of people seem to sleepwalk through their lives, never truly considering the purpose.

There is constant debates in philosophy over the concept of free will and whether it actually exists or not - really, it's a matter of opinion. Personally I would consider myself somewhat of an existentialist, simply because like Neo in the Matrix, I don't like the idea that I'm not in control. It just suits me better, whether it is correct or not is a different matter.

I haven't heard much of the theory that when you are dead you don't know the difference, but I heard an interesting theory that the afterlife is like a dream, only frozen in time. In fact if you are really interested in these questions you should check out the movie Waking Life.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:48 AM
zombies....Well I don't know about that part. Yes we are busy people, running here and there and some stop to look around and some donot. The meaning of life is whatever you set it up to be, your choices and your values, along with a community that you connect to, you can grow in experience and find ways to express yourself. You are apart of it all..every minute you are thinking and are life expressed with all that surrounds you. You can choose to define your life or have someone do it for you , you are a beautiful part of everything that is, you are important. Getting a movie... I don't think that would be a deep event for most of us, join something, belong to out for the things you need to feel better about yourself. Sometimes things get too busy and sometimes people look like they are not doing more meaningful things with their lives, I can assure you, we are doing what we need to be doing.....learning.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Thanks for the replies, yeah I saw that movie Waking Life but it has been a while, im gonna check it out again.

I guess that I should give meaning to life instead of looking for one, thanks. Wait a minute, I think I got it! Ok so, reality for example for one person can be that everything is ok and there is hapiness everywhere and that if that person doesnt see problems they dont exist, but on the other side we have a person that sees life so sad, and everything is caos and death, and in the middle of the two there is someone that thinks a little bit of both, I think that Is reality as a whole, is a constant changing view formed from all the people in the world, so I guess that to be more in touch with reality I should take a little bit of everyone´s views and add my unique point of view, I say unique because everyone has different experiences in life, so there isn´s a definite reality, only the last part that we add ourselves, of course we first take a little bit of everyone else´s.

So, life is what we make of it, reality is everyone´s point of view plus a little of my own, and everything in fact maybe a fraction of the real everything. Now I have more questions... but I think that´s good!

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