posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I wouldn't parade my problems around to people. If my brother died, I wouldn't immediately call my buddies up and tell them what happened just to
get sympathy. So if they came to see me, and decided to use the words," I know how you feel", they're going to get no response, nothing. Because
they haven't felt that pain, and even if they lost a brother, everyone deals with problems differently. Just by him stating I know how you feel, to
me atleast, would be taken by a sign of disrespect, but than again, they are only trying to be sympathetic right? But I don't seek sympathy when
something like this occurs, I don't want hugs and kisses and i'm sorrys and I know how you feels. I just want to be alone, and want to think alone,
and I would also want to cry alone. I'm the type of person who doesn't need anybody to be around when times are down. If things are getting really
really bad, occasionally i'll come to a forum(ats) and vent it out a little. And when hate boils my skin from bone, i'll also come to back to rant
about random things that "I" find that make me angry. I'm not really a "hateful" person, but when I get pissed I tend to write.
The topic was just on my head that night, simply because i've had it said to me multiple times, and I just realized I seen it as a sign of
disrespect, thats tall.:bash: