posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 11:49 AM
The common Christian viewpoint on the soul is something like this: The SOUL is the result of the interaction between MAN and GOD. God made MAN a
LIVING SOUL by virtue of His ' breathing the breath of life ' into the spirit of Man and thus a SOUL was created. This SOUL, unlike the BODY or
spirit or intellect or brain or whatever else one might call it, cannot be killed and it cannot be destroyed; it is eternal because God is eternal and
God's essence, being made to connect with a Man's spirit, causes the spirit of the man to take on the attributes and very substance of God insofar
as the primary attributes and possibilities are concerned.
In other words, God made man ' special ' amongst all other creatures by virtue of the fcat that when God touches Man, it is like two different
chemicals being combined that result in a totally new creation . Man without God's nature, spiritually speaking, being imbued into him, would be a
base and animalistic brute with nothing but instinct's; a mere animal.
God changed Man into a new being, a spiritual being with the attributes of God but the groos limitations of the flesh and so parameters had to be
established in order to keep ignorant souls from destroying the universe.
Think of it like this: Imagine a 6 year old kid with a fully loaded machine gun and no one to stop him. He would go to town and have no idea that
the consequences would be disasterous; immaturity means that immense powers and abilities must be restricted to those unable to use them in the manner
in which they were intended from the beginning. God limited the ability of man to use his innate abilities, abilities that are a natural result of
having the very Nature of God as a heritage in all human beings; had God not done so, man could have simply spoken the earth out of existence.
God cannot allow total and unrestricted use of His limitless power by anyone until they have been shown to have adopted the Nature of God as their
own, voluntarily and willingly. God's entire plan, in brief, is to weed out those souls who will never accept the truth, who will in fact deny and
reject what they KNOW to be true; very few people, souls, will be lost to final death; seperation from all of God's presence forever. Only those
souls who know the facts and reject them out of sheer ego and pride and refusal to accept Gods reality and dominion need fear death of the flesh.
Anyway, the soul is created when God touches the spirit of Man. Man;s spirit is that part of him that rises above the animal realm. Animals have
instincts, they virtually dominate the animal brain and psyche. In Man, it is the opposite. The vast majority of the make up of man's innate
abilities are learned and not instinctive.Human babies die if left alone; turtles crawl to the sea and live. But turtles do not have souls, only
Even many alien races have stated to contacts that humans are considered ' extremely special ' in all the known universe because we are a being
that has the direct connection to the realm of the One God regardless of our state of physical andintellectual advancement. What might take another
race billions of years to start to grasp we have had from the beginning, from the Adam, the first of the new man. the Bible says that Jesus is the '
first born of the new creation ' and that is the point that so many people miss.
Jesus was and is the first of a new creation by God; think about this:
God is a Spirit. Not a ' man ' or ' woman ' or anuthing else. we use terms like He and His to keep it simple but God is niether male nor female.
God took the male/female and combined them into Man, the Bible says this clearly. male and female BEFORE Adam was created in the spirit from base
So, God, being a Spirit and in the Spirit realm, for some reason desired to create a new realm, a physical realm. After doing so, in whatever
manner, this God decided on a course of action that would result in the following: God would be able to experince directly a totally new realm, the
physical, and at the same time create vast numbers of others who could be given the same creative abilities and powers as God has. In other words, God
wanted company, company like ' him' self, company that could experience and share LOVE, the vary NATURE of God. God IS love. Over and over that is
So when a person is loving by nature, or rather chooses to be loving rather than otherwise, they are God by nature and remember Jesus saying " I do
what I see my Father do ". love.Expressing love is a sure fire way to direct experience with God, no doubt. Anyway, so God creates a universe and
fills it up and gives man a SOUL so that God's own essence and nature will be incorporated into the Man by nature; only by rejecting and forcing that
spark of God OUT of your spirit, can a man be lost. very few will choose that path. Lucifer made the same error, assuming that they too could find
truth beyond the will of God; pride and ego seeking glory.
God will end up with exactly what he wanted from the beginning; a new creation . Souls able to be taught and dealt with so that total power can be
bestowed as a gift. Starting with Jesus, the ' glorified bodies ' the Bible speaks of will give us the ability to enter and leave the physical realm
at will. recall Jesus did it on several occasions after his resurrection; Jesus was simply the first of the New Man, able to come and go from the
various realms of reality!! That is the essential message of who jesus is; of course the saviour, but in reality Jesus is the ultimate prototype!! In
a way.
We as believers are assured the same exact type spiritual composition as Jesus and we too will be able to enter the physical realms at will; the
whole trick is knwing WHEN it is proper and when it is not. Wisdom and discernment are the keys, and they are related from God personally via direct
contact with tuned in belivers. God can direct the soul who has asked for full input; the mind will not betray the soul; the soul will override and
and all effects and illusions that the mind can come up with.
The main point: Our souls can either end up as creators just like the original God, or as thoise exiled forever by virtue of their danger to all. Of
course this story varies depending on belief and individual interpretaion of scripture, but God has a plan and we are seeing it unfold right now; soon
the end comes, at least to this era of flesh. Peace!!