posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 04:37 AM
There are no ghosts, aliens, monsters, UFOs, NOTHING. How did I came to that conclussion? Well, because in the history of mankind there hasnt been a
proof of such thing, even today with millions of cellphone cameras, regular cameras, radars, not one clear image of an UFO, not ONE, I found it very
strange that we have not even seen a picture of an UFO up close.
Is it possible that aliens exist? Of course, but the problem is that there is no proof at all that they do. If you think about it, the goverment and
the military loves that kind of conspiracies, because it keeps the "conspiracy nuts" bussy looking for lights in the sky, dont get me wrong I think
"conspiracy nuts" for the most part and very intelligent people who know science and physics and all that kind of stuff that the regular person cant
even begin to understand, but what I´m saying is that because we have such intelliget people investigating, they should investigate what really goes
on inside the goverment and military, for example, what technology do they have, is there any kind of black ops military that works completely
separated and in secrecy from the regular military? And a lot of questions that need to be answered, I myself dont investigate this things because I
do not consider myself as smart as some of the people here, but I truly believe that this whole paranoia is just a device created by the goverment.
If you think about it they are using your most powerfull weapon against you, your MIND. They know you will ask questions, and investigate, so they are
sending you on a wild goose chase, knowing that you´ll never came up with any tangible evidence, this whole UFO stories have gone for far too long,
is time you turn your weapons against them, and then when you demand real answers they´ll have no choice but to do so. I hope you dont take this the
wrong way, but I think that there is much more dangerous things out there made by humans.