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Video: Ron Paul on FOX Big Story (Conspiracies Discussed)

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posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:50 PM
Here's Ron Paul on today's Big Story with Julie Banderas. He discusses 9/11 conspiracies and the North American Union.

Captured August 5, 2007.


[edit on 8/5/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 09:41 AM
Well, a show that is polite, and fields questions and lets people make thier point... however loaded the questions may be. Guess Fox and the 'Big boys' don't like Alex Jones, and his little operration, however radical, that is an example of free speach. Lets make it short and say that they don't like the aproach that 'anyone' is capible of 'reporting' 'anything'. In simpler words, free speach.

Man, got to love those Fox Facts. I am having a good laugh.

Thats a few good mintes of talk that makes sense...

Seems there are time that the good ideas get thru the static.

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 01:16 PM
Don't you think it's a little wierd that Ron Paul is given questions such as this quite a bit. Seems strange to me. The thought that these questions are given to him whenever he is on National TV. Could this not be a move to make him look like a quack and distance him from your average American (whether democrat or republican or independent) because I haven't heard any of the other candidates have these questions asked to them?

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