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Questions About Masonry

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I read alot on this website about masons. Much of it negative, some of it posative. My first question is this, why is masonry such a facinating subject for non-initiates? Why is there not the same fasination with the Knights of Columbus, Knights Pythias, ect.?

I have been a mason for years and am amused by the amount of effort non-initiates exert dreaming up and defending conspiricy theories, exposing so called rituals and saving masons from the evils of the Craft.

My Next question is: What will exposing so call conspiricies, rituals, handshakes, ect. do exactly?

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 06:56 AM

IMO opinion all the theories about The Craft are due to the time when everything was done behind closed doors, and things were drawn in the floor with chalk. The amount of information available during that period would have been nil so curiousity would develop in non-members.

I also believe that because the Knights of Columbas, Pythias etc, belong to various Religous Sects of The Holy Roman Catholic Church, they are deemed to have good intent. The Vatican wouldn't associate itself with groups that are questionable, so no-one generally takes interest in them.

Freemasonry, on the contrast, is a society which has developed and evolved through its own accord. Because we don't have the Church backing, and have had Papal Bulls, against us, we are tarred with the 'untrustworthy' brush.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by bigred1000

I read alot on this website about masons. Much of it negative, some of it posative. My first question is this, why is masonry such a facinating subject for non-initiates? Why is there not the same fasination with the Knights of Columbus, Knights Pythias, ect.?

We are the most public of the fraternities, have public parades, sponsor charities, etc., that put us in the public eye. I think this is what generates curiousity.

My Next question is: What will exposing so call conspiricies, rituals, handshakes, ect. do exactly?

I would say that in some cases it's an effort to make a quick buck by using mystery as a marketing scheme. In many other cases, it's a ploy to get attention.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Pictnation

I also believe that because the Knights of Columbas, Pythias etc, belong to various Religous Sects of The Holy Roman Catholic Church, they are deemed to have good intent. The Vatican wouldn't associate itself with groups that are questionable, so no-one generally takes interest in them.

Actually the Knights of Pythias do not have this backing either. They are a stand-alone fraternal group like the Freemasons. They require their members to believe in God, but not to profess a specific religion. They are similar in structure, purpose, etc. to Freemasons, Odd Fellows, Knights of the Golden Eagle and so forth.

As for the Knights of Columbus, for many years there were circulars about them making outlandish claims that they (the Knights) swore to kill all "heretics, Protestants and Masons" The "bogus" oath was popular and reprinted for a number of years (and from time to time I hear someone claim it as truth). In the mid 20th century or so it got so bad that the Knights of Columbus turned over a complete set of their rituals to a committee of prominent Masons who reviewed them and issued a statement extolling the good work and teachings of the K of C and assuring those concerned that the rituals of the Knights of Columbus not only did not contain these things, but did not mention Protestants or Masons directly OR indirectly. A very interesting account of this situation including the full text of the bogus oath is included in a history of the K of C called "The Knights of Columbus in Peace and War" and a full length article about the Knights of Columbus, their similarities and differences to Masonry, the bogus oath, etc. is being written by a friend of mine for publication in The Scottish Rite Research Society's "Heredom"

Also see:

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Pictnation
IMO opinion all the theories about The Craft are due to the time when everything was done behind closed doors, and things were drawn in the floor with chalk.

But it's never really been that way. Only those political opponents of the Masons have portrayed Masonry in that light. It was the atmosphere of the 18th century itself, where there were all sorts of secret conclaves going around, mainly to stand opposed to the various European monarchies, which were weakening to such an extent that the century ended with both American and French revolutions. Germany, in particular, was expected to be the next nation to fall to rebellion. "Secret societies" (really any oath-based groups) were outlawed in the Holy Roman Empire and other kingdoms throughout Europe.

I also believe that because the Knights of Columbas, Pythias etc, belong to various Religous Sects of The Holy Roman Catholic Church, they are deemed to have good intent. The Vatican wouldn't associate itself with groups that are questionable, so no-one generally takes interest in them.

Partially, but also they lack the historical fear-mongering. The KoC are only 125 years old, the KoP 143 years old, and they were both founded in the United States.

Freemasonry, on the contrast, is a society which has developed and evolved through its own accord. Because we don't have the Church backing, and have had Papal Bulls, against us, we are tarred with the 'untrustworthy' brush.

That goes no distance to explaining Protestant anti-Masonry, which is where the most venom actually comes from. Jack Chick, for example, is not Catholic.

Freemasonry is assumed to be secretive largely because few people take any initiative in educating themselves to the contrary. I find nothing especially secretive about it. One thing Masons are not, generally, is outspoken, and so silence is taken as secrecy. I think it's high time that more Brothers went the extra step to dispel ridiculous anti-Mason myths and propaganda.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:01 AM
In another thread there is a former 32nd degree Mason that clearly exposes the ccontradictionsto the Holy Bible that Freemansons worship

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:58 AM
I don't like my screen name now that I found out what the 7th degree Masonry teaches now. LOL

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
I don't like my screen name now that I found out what the 7th degree Masonry teaches now. LOL

What does the Seventh Degree have to do with "spirit'7" ????

The Seventh Degree of the Scottish Rite (called "Provost and Judge") teaches what it has ALWAYS taught.

"All actions have consequences. Be just in judging others' motives'

The duty taught in the Seventh Degree is "Let justice be the guide of all your actions"

Darn, Masons sound evil....

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 02:42 PM

Guess you're just going to ignore my question, huh?

I'd sure be interested to know the answer, though.

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