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strange aircraft

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posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 11:16 AM
wonder if u can help me?

i was out on my boat last july doin a spot of night fishin, it was a very clear night and i heard a loud rumble and a sonic boom so i looked up and saw a jet , i thought it was concorde to start with then i realised it had no lights and it had a strange contrail with lots of small lumps at regular intervals along it.

i dont know alot about these things but ive seen regular fast jet contrails and i thought all aircraft had to have lights on.

please shed some light on this if u can.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 06:11 AM
Well maybe it was a spin off of the North American XB-70, sometimes referred to as the RS-70. There is no offical confermation of it's existance. However, there are occasional refrences to this aircraft existance in literature on black projects.


posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 06:23 AM
Your description of sound and contrail indicates a pulse engine, but the visual description is not one of any craft suspected of having it.
The only thing in inventory that would look like that would probably be the XB-70 as stated in the above post.
This XB-70 platform is thought to be used as a possible black project "mothership" for smaller hypersonic type vehicles that piggyback a ride to supersonic speeds then take off on their own.
One has to ask, where do you live? Are you around any Air Force bases? What size was the plane?

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by intelgurl]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 10:14 AM
this was a couple of miles off the west cost of england (around the liverpool area to be exact). dont know if there any bases near but it was quite big guessin twice size of concorde but i cant really estimate it

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:41 AM
I had a dream of a similar aircraft also strange maybe ill see one in the not to distant future.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Here in Evansville, there are many weird occurances regarding the military; we used to be a hub for C-130s until one crashed into a hotel after takeoff and killed many people. There is a rumor that we have VTOLs, much like the JSF at our airport near the foreign trade zone.

But what I have noticed over this summer was the appearance of strange, ultra-fast object that steaks across the sky, from horizon to horizon, in only a few seconds. Being an amature astronomer and ornithologist, I am out at nights around my acreage looking to observe owls, or I'll pull out my 10" Meade LX200 to do some astro-observation; so I always seen to notice strange things like this. Anyways, the light pulsates on and off every second or so. It is a dim color, and no noise is heard; therefore it must be traveling at an incredible rate - Mach 8? - and at incredible heights 80,000+ ft. But I may be wrong. I have seen this object appear twice, and had witnesses one time. This was not a meter falling through the atmosphere, but, possibly, the Aurora? What does everyone think this could be?

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 11:14 PM
I seem to remember Galoob toys manufacturing a range of toys known as "micromachine" and releasing a pack of toys including an XB-70 like aircraft, with a smaller shuttle like craft piggybacking on it.

The XB-70 type thing looked like a really stretched out aurora. And the shuttle looked not dissimilar to your standard space shuttle.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 01:42 PM
Possibility of it being the Aurora XST. Though it's covered in the "Black Project" classification. It's pretty obvious that it exists.

The Aurora is known to make the wierd contrails.

Actually, any craft which uses the Pulse Detonation Wave Engines and can excel Mach 6 could probably create such a contrail.

No offense to everyone else here but, I seriously doubt that it was an XB-70 Valkyrie.

1.) Only one or two Valkyries remain in-tact.

2.) All XB-70's were grounded after the crash of NASA's first Valkyrie.

However, there is a possibility it could be the Buzzard, the Valkyrie's successor.

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 06:06 PM
I have absolutly no idea what you say...however I have seen many strange contours above the Netherlands as well, including donuts on a rope and Concorde type aircraft...

I live in Den Helder, we got many air traffic passing us...

Once I saw a F-15 at high altitude (which is odd since there is no real reason for them to pass Holland)

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by madmartinez
i was out on my boat last july doin a spot of night fishin, it was a very clear night and i heard a loud rumble and a sonic boom so i looked up and saw a jet , i thought it was concorde to start with then i realised it had no lights and it had a strange contrail with lots of small lumps at regular intervals along it.

i dont know alot about these things but ive seen regular fast jet contrails and i thought all aircraft had to have lights on.

please shed some light on this if u can.

Sounds like a Tornado GR4 with wings swept fully back and lights off. They do that quite often when they do low-level stuff.

The contrails were weird? Well, if it was flying over a lake, maybe mousture off the lake made it look weird.. dunno.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 05:56 AM
ive seen a similar thing in the skys over the lake district (uk) cant remember the contrails but that sort of things quite common up there,the raf use it for low level practising and stuff,it can be quite unnerving at night when suddenley you hear the sonic boom go off!!

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 06:29 AM

The contrails were weird? Well, if it was flying over a lake, maybe mousture off the lake made it look weird.. dunno.

if it flew low, it couldn't have produced a contrail...

I don't think it's a secret TSR-2 variant?


posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 08:37 AM
I don't think it's a secret TSR-2 variant?

I'd love it to be a secret Tsr2.5 but that will NEVER happen. It'll have been a F3 out of Leeming North Yorks playing seen a LOT of it lately not sure what there up to at the mo

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 01:58 PM
I'm as certain as I can be that it will not be version of the TSR 2. That airframe is now 40 years old and things have moved on quite a lotsince then. There was an investigation by the MOD into revivng the TSR 2 in 1982 at the height of the Falklands war but it reached the rather obvious conclusion that it was;

A - Way too expensive, and

B - A waste of time with the Tornado then coming into service.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Yeah, the Tornados are Nuke Capable anyway...

I was just saying since it was the only plane remotely resembling the XB-70...

Perhaps this was Brilliant Buzzard then...a phantom Concorde maybe?

what color was it?

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 12:50 AM
What you have seen is called "knots on a rope" this is the newest in aircraft propulsion. If you look up this topic you should be able to find out more on the subject. This is the next step beyond Aurora which has been operating for nearly a decade.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:23 AM
Ok mad,
hope this helps.

I've seen this aircraft as well, ripping the sky above warton BAE test area going out over the irish sea towards Scotland. I live in lancashire, and we often hear this mighty rumble/ ripping sound passing over head.

The crafts size, a bit smaller than concorde ( typhoons seen flying with it) with twin tails to the rear, and canted outwards. The nose looks more like an SR-71 than concords, and it does not have canards. The engine intakes are over the wing, like the B-2. Square nozzles to the exhausts.
How did i get such a good view? was sailing on a nice summer evening, and it passed about a mile away, at about 3000 feet, and my friend had a pair of 12 x binos with him.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:14 PM
What you saw was the secrect military plane aurora. People say its a mith but its not there is just to much evidence of its exsistance to not be real. the aurora was created as a military stealth reconisence aircraft but unlike any other this one used the power of sonic booms to propell it forward at speeds up to mach 6 or 7. And the contrail u saw had to belong to the aurora because when whem the auroras specialized engine creates a boom the contrail leftcontains little swiring vortexs that are made due to the speed at which the contrail is being created which in turn makes vortexs uniformly the same distance from eachother along the lenght of the trail. It may be called a mith but Iknow the truth, Ive taken the facts and compiled the evidence and military records its impossible for this thing not to exsist no matt how much they dont want us to beleive our the lies they tells us . Its out there and any others technology unknown is on its way so brace for the worst.......

By the way Im only a 14 year old with the iq of a scientist........

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:03 PM
Who can even create and account or now that the donut contrail can be formed by regular commercial or military aircraft under the right conditions. AS this is a long dead thread with such a open ended and stereotypical sighting that it could also be another 14 year old trying to have fun on the net.

Waste of time.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 10:01 AM
I know I'm opening a very old topic but I wanted to share something with you regarding this..

I live in Liverpool and remember this night exactly.. My girlfriend at the time is absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and we both heard what sounded like a HUGE clap of thunder above our house.. Never heard anything like it (apart from a thunder clap during a bad storm).. She instantly started getting a bit upset and scared.. But you know what? It was the only one.. There was no lightning and when I went outside it wasn't even cloudy..

I read somewhere that this sonic boom happened in the Irish sea miles away from the coast of Liverpool.. Now I've been to plenty of airshows and heard tornado swept wing flypasses.. Heard sonic booms from aircraft but nothing as loud as this.. It sounded like a very loud rumble of thunder..

What the hell was it?

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