posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Well how sweet is this,
My sister oni's birthday is on the 7th : and I want to wish her the best,
Its been a heck of a year for us, A roller coaster of sadness with family death and illness,
But through it all she has remained so strong, she has held up her head and just took it all in and tried to comfort everyone else,
I could not ask for a better sister nor a stronger Rock,
I love you sis,
you are my world and what I wake up each day for,
Things are hard right now but knowing you are there makes the world a better place,
As we have always sang together,
*Don't know what's coming tomorrow,
Maybe its trouble and sorrow
but we are rolling along
Singing a sing
side by side "Woo woo" *
Happy Birthday sis,
To the future