posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 07:44 AM
Alot of my dreams are very vague and most of the time meaningless, about things that have no real importance, daily live things. This time, it was
different, and some things stayed with me, and felt like it carried some weight, and very symbolic in nature. Personally i have no clue what i saw and
what it means, and i cant share more than i tell you now.
In this dream it seemed clearer than normal, i walked out of my living room into my back yard and was scanning the nightsky, like i usually do when
it's late. When i looked toward the left side... I saw three crescent moons in a triangular formation in the air, accompanied by a large black planet
(No idea what it was) to the right of these moons. I soon called in my father who was in the dream, and was just as amazed as i was. As this (totally)
black planet got closer and closer, it got multible outside layers/glow around it in a strange gray/silver color. We panicked, and in the last
seconds, this glow expanded to engulf the entire night sky. No second later i was hit by a strong pulse, almost like being hit by a strong burst of
air, in any case, it vibrated.
Then it was over. When i woke up, i was reminded of several things that might have a relation to this dream, UFO's, Niburu, and a black hole. I got
absolutely no confirmation what time or what day it was in the dream, so maybe it was just as random as any other dream. That i dont know, just
thought i would give you a heads-up, because the entire thing felt very strange to me.