posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 11:18 AM
Just posted this and find it quite fitting for posting here also:
O'Neil and Suskind have revealed just what?
That there was a "plan to Regime Change" Saddam/Iraq? Just what are they revealing that wasn't already in MOTION long before the current Bush
Administration entered the White House?
I don't give a rat's arse how much money O'Neil thinks he has, the matter is that this supposed "explosive" expose' of the Bush Administration
was BS and hyped, more-so, by the BS media. You deems and haters of Bush never hestitate to produce your "so-called" evidences but as and in most
cases, when it gets literally and figuratively BLOWN OUT THE WATER, you counter with more BS.
All the hype here in the past few days dealing with this "revelation" of the Bush Administration was the so-called "mystery documents" and once
produced on '60 Minutes" the proof of the matter was that it was BS, and BS from the start.
PBS ran a series on this and mentions that this "Regime Change" plan was hatched long before the current Bush Administration. That Clinton had plans
drawn up for the take down of Saddam/Iraq and dealing with a "postwar-Iraq". Lack of "Brass Balls" and Congressional support prevented such an
"Action" from taking place!
NewsMax today:
"Clinton, Congress Ratified 'Secret Bush Plan' to Depose Saddam"
The New York Sun:
"The O�Neill Scoop"
The Washington Dispatch:
"O'Neill�s Contentions Warrant Skepticism"
Icing on the "cake":
"O'Neill: Bush Is Better Than the Democrat Wannabes"
And the "nail in the coffin:
"Lid Blown Off O'Neill/Suskind Hoax"
So.....what startling and "scathing revelation" did Mr. O'Neil and Suskind bring out/forth? Nothing but already known and documented BS. Period.
"Typical of this administration"?
Better lok deeper into the facts on presidential administrations. Seems to be a tactic that has been used quite extensively.