posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Why do I not believe in God? Why do I need to?
The only reason I have even attempted to believe in "God" is to make my mother happy. She has attended church her entire life and it's her crutch
when life drags her down. I don't need a crutch. When life kicks me down, I just stand back up. The only person I can blame for my misfortunes is
me. I don't need "God" to tell me that. I don't need "Him" to perform a miracle for me.
It was asked "Can I prove that God doesn't exist?" Of course not, nor can you prove that "He" does. You are more than welcome to believe
anything you like, all I ask is that I am respected for my views, no matter how you feel about them. They are mine and I don't ask anyone to believe
them other than myself.
"God" as religion I feel is merely a tool we use to make ourselves feel that we are striving towards something other than death. Of course, we are
as a whole trying to better mankind, but there's still that selfish part of ourselves that screams "me, me, me." Hence, heaven and hell. If we
stay the rightous path we will spend eternity in a wonderful place, however if we aren't so good, we will burn in eternal agony.
I feel religion is a necessity. Although I am not a follower, it does help to give a common ground. If only that common ground wasn't so divided
between the different religions. If only every religion wasn't so concerned about being the right one. So many people have died over religion
through the years. Maybe that helped ruin the whole "God" thing for me. If there were an omnipotent being, or even an alien race, that was leading
us from afar, why would they allow so much death to come from arguing about the existence of themselves? Why wouldn't they just come down and say,
"Hey, look. Quit it. This is the right way." Instead we have hundreds of religions all saying that they are right. Bah. None of them are right.
All your holy books and scriptures are nothing but parables and stories to guide you towards an honest, moral life. I don't need to believe in
"God" to live a fair and honest life.
Not to say I don't believe in the power of prayer. Enough positive energies and good will combined can't have a negative outcome. Positive
thinking and hope can go a long way. I don't think that constitutes a miracle.
Religion today isn't what it started as. It's nothing but large corporations in it for greed, money and power. Controlling people to do their will
and using hell to scare them. Money, money, money. "Why does the preacher man need a new house? Why does the preacher man need a new car? I say
don't ask no questions."
As far as our creation, why does it matter so much? We're here, isn't that enough? I think our scientists should be more concerned about tomorrow
than whether we evolved or came about through some "higher" intervention.
Some people are able to live happy productive lives without worry of an afterlife. I personally lean more towards reincarnation. I do believe in
souls. They are the essence of what makes you, you. I don't believe they float off to some heavenly place, rather they stick around trying to come
back. That would make an excellent argument for hauntings and ghosts.
I have yet to hear any reason I should actually believe in "God". Until I do, I'll just keep living the best life I know how.