posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Hey y'all
While digging true some info on Aids and stuff. The Believer in me suddenly started thinking : could this be linked to aliens as it seems to me the
disease came out recently.
I would first like to point out i have no proof at all for my theory, but ill try to explain the way i believe it COULD work.
Lets look at some facts before i start to speculate on the matter involved.
The first real case reported of a guy who died of AIDS i found online is a guy who died on 31 August 1959 with the name of David Carr. He died in
Manchester's Royal Infirmary.
The first real case reported that hit the population at large from ufo/aliens must be the Roswell incident in July 1947. Followed by abductions and
more sightings.
So where i'm getting at: lets try to imagine for a moment the massive amount of energy,time,recources it would cost for a alien race wipe us out as a
species with weapons. we humans must be the most sneakiest basterds on the planet . We fly without wings, swim without fins, hell we even go to the
moon in those shiny white suits.
So what if the Abductions are to look at our immunity system and aids is a disease they intended to use on the human population for a total wipeout.
But somewhere along their research they never found a way around our ability to become immune to certain diseases.And one of the things they are doing
here is looking at the progress our body makes against their disaese for purpose of (mutating it into something better)
I know the whole thing seems far fetched
just give it a moment google some dates and look out of the box for once.
i even could imagine they din't make Aids airborne so it would not get the chance on infecting the rest of the ECO of earth and wiping out al
wildlife up here . Cause maybe the wanna use our planet in later plans marked in their agenda or even to research so species found here.
Hope to get some educated replies on this.