posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 11:09 AM
Who to believe?
Okay... do a little thought experiment: pretend you're a parent. One afternoon, a car pulls up in front of your house. An MP (military police, who
has had training dealing with hysterical people... that's why he's there) and a chaplain get out of the car. They come to the door and say, "I'm
sorry to inform you but your son has been killed in fighting in Afghanistan."
After the shock of the announcement wears off, you look for news about the fight to try and understand what went on. Is your kid dead? Yes, they
ship him home in a box and there's the identification process. And a week has gone by and there's no mention of the incident that caused his death
Your hometown newspaper does a sympathetic article on your kid's death... and the reporter says he/she hasn't heard anything about the fight leading
to any American deaths.
Now, speaking for most parents here, at this point I'd darn sure want some explainations. I didn't get them, I'd storm the newspapers and radio
shows till I found a reporter who would listen and investigate.
So... you've got a Russian newspaper with mysterious sources saying that a lot of soldiers were killed. You've got a US news story saying no
Americans were killed. There's not one peep from American families. No hometown stories (on Dogpile news search) about grieving parents and
children in the service killed during a recent fight.
Who ya gonna believe?