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Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
I can prove him wrong. It is against the law to get your GED at 14. The law does vary from state to state with the minimum age being 16.

Is that Cherokee nation law or US law? Could he have recieved it through the Cherokee nation? Of which he is involved.

CO. When you link to something, can you link to the specific page please? I don't have time to sift through a link to something to find the information that you are suppossed to be supplying. Thanks.

[edit on 8/1/2007 by Griff]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:21 PM

The American Council on Education sets the following eligibility requirements for GED testing. Details about local eligibility requirements may be obtained by calling (800) 62-MY-GED.

Each State, Province, Territory, or other jurisdiction administers the GED Tests to any qualified adult who resides within that jurisdiction and who meets residency requirements.
Educational Limitations
Only persons who do not hold a traditional high school diploma nor have previously earned a GED are eligible to take the GED Tests. Persons who have been awarded a high school equivalency diploma or earned scores sufficient to qualify for a high school equivalency diploma are eligible to re-test under certain conditions.
Enrollment Limitation
The GED Tests are not administered to candidates who are enrolled in an accredited high school, including those accredited by regional accrediting bodies and also those approved by jurisdiction department/ministry of education.

Age Limitation

The GED Tests are not administered to persons less than 16 years of age. Most jurisdictions require a person to be 17 years and over.

sorry Griff... I posted the GED website that was given on Wikipedia. I was unable to find the above info on their website. I did however check MANY states and found the above law to stand true for all of them. I looked for a Cheeroke law in regards to GED's. If i do find something I will post it.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
I did however check MANY states and found the above law to stand true for all of them. I looked for a Cheeroke law in regards to GED's. If i do find something I will post it.

You're a better researcher than I am, that's why I asked for the page. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Here is the Kansas LAw (the state where he resided)

Who Is Eligible?
You are eligible to take the GED tests, according to the Kansas Board of Regents,, if you meet the following requirements:

* You are a resident of Kansas.

* You are 18 years of age (If you are between 16 and 18 years of age, you can still take the exam under special conditions.)

Again, I am NOT sure if he is bound by the same laws. It will be interesting to find out.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:19 PM
IT's not because he's labeled a "war Veteran" it's because he's speaking truth and backs it up with FACTS that nobody can debunk. He even states NIST tried to reproduce 9/11 and failed. Am I supposed to listen to you instead of him because you have Gen. in front of you name? no.

Go look up the laws on the GED thing. He's an old guy. The laws probably have changed since he was 14. Look it up before jumping to now days laws.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by RandomThought]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by RandomThought
speaking truth and backs it up with FACTS that nobody can debunk.

Can you please list the facts that he stated? I havent really seen any. Besides his name.

Originally posted by RandomThoughtHe even states NIST tried to reproduce 9/11 and failed. Am I supposed to listen to you instead of him because you have Gen. in front of you name? no.

NO? but you WILL listen to someone else....why? Because his story fits your agenda?

Originally posted by RandomThoughtGo look up the laws on the GED thing. He's an old guy. The laws probably have changed since he was 14. Look it up before jumping to now days laws.

The GED was origianlly created for WWII veterans when they came back to civilain life. Now, I am not aware of that many 14 or 15 year old's that fought in WWII.

There is nothing that states the GED age was lower than that of what is stated in Kansas State law.

By the way, how old IS he?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:49 PM
You have to admit, this GED thing is quite a wrench. Good find guys.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Griff
You have to admit, this GED thing is quite a wrench. Good find guys.

One thing that noboby is thinking about here is that if he is 30 years old than you would have to look back to 1985 and see what the law was then. Dont just assume that the law has always been that way. and people who keep saying if it is not in the nist report than it is false, Should try to open there minds and try to look at reason and commen sense. Even the fact that they hid most of the evidence your still willing to believe what the official reports tell you. Sorry but that to me is just ignorance of the worst kind. Eliminate the nist report and what do you have to back up your claims?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:37 PM
This is not to debunk the 9/11 truth folks, but I think believing this guy will hurt the 9/11 truth folks more than it will help them. I have to take issue with this guys story.

GED at 14 highly unlikely unless you are testing out of High School and taking college courses at that age, If this is the case you are looking at going to MIT or such on a full ride schalorship. So at age 14 this guy who is so smart becomes a Construction Contractor , Structural Welder , Certified Asbestos and Hazardous material worker , and/or Demolitions Expert which have salaries ranging from $50918 - $76045 annualized, you figure with 12 years in the fields he should be making around the 76,000 annualized. Also this guy claims to have designed and implemented over 100 controlled demolitions so its more probable that he is making a annualized salary in the 6 figure range.

So in 2001 exactly 1 year before 9/11 he signs up with the US Army to become a combat medic, he cant become a nurse until he is an E-5 which is an LPN or he signs up to become a full nurse which is an Officer 0-1 which requires college and medical school. In 2001 less than 10 percent of entrants into the US Army are GED holders and they have to get a waiver to join. So this guy has left a 76,000 annualized salary career to become a comabt medic E-1 in the US Army which has an annualized salary of 15,000 to start off. Why would he leave such a profitable career, this is before 9/11 so there is not a post 9/11 patriotic impulse. He doesnt become a Combat Engineer or a Demolitions Expert he becomes a Medic, which makes absolutely no sense.

He claims to have served with the 21st Combat support Hospital in Mosul Iraq, we know he served with a support hospital from the NOVA documentary.So I have to ask was he a combat medic or a hospital medic? Was he assigned to a combat unit or to the hospital?

His Army "handlers" took him into a room to watch the World Trade Center Collapse. I think pretty much everyone who was near a TV set on September 11th military or civilian was watching, no need to take anyone to a special room to watch.

All the information this guy puts out is not different than any other Truth websites in all cases other than his back ground story its the exact information that can be found anywhere on the web.

9/11 truthseeking is not a act that would fall under section 802 of the Patriot Act

Truth about this guy is probably more like this

High School Dropout who worked various construction jobs.
Construction Contractor day labor working various construction jobs.
Welder requires no school and its on the job training for basic welding.
Hazardous Material could be nothing more than pulling mold and asbestos out of old buildings.
Demolition more like worked with a construction crew that tore down old abandoned houses.
Finally got a GED and joined the Army at age 30 to be a medic.
Now that he is out of the Army he is fleecing believers of the Truth movement for money.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:37 PM
Have you downloaded and viewed the powerpoint presentation linked by the Infowars website article? It includes some of the stronger arguments that refute the official narrative and explanation for the collapse of WTC1,2 and 7.

It also points out how the NIST investigation and report fudged their collapse modeling in order to support the existing official explanation.

Objects or buildings that fall at freefall rate (WTC 7 in approx. 6.6 seconds) do so with no resistance. For this to have occurred (supported by unspinnable video evidence), all supporting structures would necessarily have to be eliminated ahead of the collapse wave. This can only be accounted for by controlled demolition.

Anyone who understands basic physics and the concept of conservation of momentum cannot discount this fact. To argue with it, is to expose one's ignorance of the gravitational laws that govern movement in the near earth environment or to be intentionally reinforcing the official cover-up.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by brisa
Anyone who understands basic physics and the concept of conservation of momentum cannot discount this fact. To argue with it, is to expose one's ignorance of the gravitational laws that govern movement in the near earth environment or to be intentionally reinforcing the official cover-up.

I and others agree with what this guy says. It's that he may have been dishonest is what might tarnish his rep. BTW, we've been arguing the same things here for years now. What he says is nothing new. Unless I missed something in the article (I scanned the article and haven't seen the presentation, so I may have).

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