posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 06:03 AM
James, I swear, I try to ignore you because you're merely a 16 year old that hasn't a clue about much of anything but doesn't let ignorance prevent
the pecking away at the keyboard, but I have to point out a couple things here:
Referring to Nigerians as "Towelheads" is a bit offensive. I realize thatbeing offensive seems to be your preferred trademark, but try and be a bit
more civil.
Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. Some of you best scientists have been Catholic, Christian, Hindu, etc. Science is merely an
organized and calculated attempt by man to understand and learn about the physical world, it isn't a religion. Through science, we come to a
conclusion a bout a particular thing in our environment. Through better, more advanced tools, that which was concluded is reevaluated and another
conclusion is drawn. That is something that the academia can't seem to get past, that what is thought of as fact today can be changed through new
information and better technique tomorrow. That causes them (and you) to have great difficulty in dealing with people like me, who have enough sense
to know that if it is conceived by man, it is flawed, therefore do not worship it.