posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:31 AM
It is STUPID!! They ' reasoning ' behind such garbage is thus: If the guy had not gotten out of bed that day and had not allegedly ( innocent until
proven guilty ) violated some law to begin with, then logically it follows that the helicopters would not have been trying to get shots of the scene.
THAT is the sole reason to charge him, which they will NOT. It would never get past a court or jury, never.
If a news organization CHOOSES to fly around to get scoops for the news, a profit driven venture at ALL times, the they risk the loss of life and
equipment every time they left off. They CHOSE to fly, they CHOSE to operate their aircraft in unsafe manners; they CHOSE their response to a petty
car chase and they just lost this time, thats all. Tragic but not the fault of the defendant.
WE had a local case where an obese , out of shape cop tried to chase a car that was running from the cop's; he had a heart attack and died in his
car , probably from the excitement and too many donuts and clogged arteries; they tried to charge the driver, who had merely refused to pull over,
with his death!! it was thrown out, of course, but the Prosecutors ALWAYS try and stack charges on anyone they can; it means more likley that a plea
bargain will result, giving them a conviction, which is the Holy Grail to the Prosecutors. In most cases the cop's overcharge to try and make the
event look much worse but when it gets to court it gets whittled down to the real facts.
If I am jaywalking and some cop does a u turn in froint of traffic to come back and write me a ticket, and in doing so crashes into a car, is it MY
fault? The cop who screwed up the manuver is guilty, not ME!! Even if I am engaged in some offense, if my INTENT was not to do any harm, then there is
NO crime. Intent is the standard of the law; unintentional accidents are NOT fairly laid at the feet of an accused; to do so would encourage even more
reckless actions by news choppers, etc.
This is garden variety pilot error and carelessness in the name of SENSATIONALISM " and getting people to watch THEIR station on TV, to mask money,
for selfish reasons; they were NOT serving the public interest, but their own. No person should be held acountable for what happens far away, or in
the air, as long as they did not intentionally cause the effects shown. To say that all persons who break the law in some way can be tied to accidents
or carelessness as the motivating cause is just nonsense and unConstitutional. it will NEVER happen; The charges will NEVER reach a judge and if they
do it will be dismissed.
Some people just want to pass responsibility off for their actions to others, or ANYONE that they can; pointing a finger in this case is hard, they
have to point it at THEMSELVES for their errors, and NOT at some innocent accused person who had NO CONTROL over the pilots actions and could not have
prevented the accident in any way; except maybe by staying in bed all day.
If we as citizens cannot get out of bed lest some accident we have nothing to do with occurs, then we might as well give up and consider ourselves
chattel and slaves and having NO rights at all. This is stupid and beyond insane, and will never see the light of day in a courtroom. Just more
Prosecutorial blather meant to make the accused seem more dangerous and guilty then he could ever prove in a court; muchg easier to try and sway
potential jurors by innuendo and allegation and false decription of the laws that govern accessible crimes and relationships to acidents as far as
liability is concerned.