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My NASA Artificial Intelliegnce FOIA Request

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posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 06:12 PM
This is my first ever FOIA attempt. I hammered home for info about Google and Al Gore in regards to their A.I. programs. How'd I do? I'll keep everyone posted:

Hello I'm contacting you in regards to NASA's artificial intelligence program(s).

I'm particularly seeking information on programs involving "Self-Aware" / "Cognitive" computer ambitions; that is "strong" / "broad" / "Artificial General Intelligence" (AGI), as opposed to "weak" or "narrow" AI which covers a broad range of softwares from video-game-computer-"bots" to compression utilities.

1) Any more information that can be provided about the "Intelligent Archives" program, that isn't already available on the NASA website. Any other related or non-related NASA "AGI" programs or initiatives.

2) I'm especially concerned with information regarding the relationship between NASA and Google Inc. It's publicly known that Google and NASA have entered some sort of "partnership" involving a "million square foot research facility" at the Ames Research Center. Considering Google has been going public for over a year about their AI ambitions, and leaked internal reports mention "building the worlds largest AI research facility", and the "pooling of NASA/Google engineers", what's going on behind the scenes with NASA and Google is absolutely crucial information for the public to understand.

In the Google context I seek general information and progress reports. I'd like 'employee records' regarding the number and nature of the employees involved, and if permissible the actual employees involved and things like visits from characters like the upper management of Google including their Sr Adviser former Vice president Al Gore.

Because of the clearcut publicly open connections, this FOIA request also includes any other information regarding Al Gore involved with NASA AGI programs and insights, which then involves Apple Computer Inc. Information regarding any involvement of Apple in these regards is encompassed in this FOIA request.

3) DARPA naturally comes into this picture, so therefore their role in this/these effort(s) is in question, and the nature of such is information that the public must understand. This would of course include any connections between them and Google, Al Gore, Apple and so on. I understand you can't provide DARPA's files for them, however it seems natural that NASA would have materials involving and regarding with them and this is what the public seeks.

In regards to all of these points, where this request isn't already stated and clear: I seek records, progress reports, employee pooling information, audio-video documentaries / presentations / etc, organizational / operations details, property / land / facility details, financial records, hardware / systems cataloging, memos, books, papers, photographs, charts, diagrams, blueprints, software in terms of any of the above but also including any other animations / simulations / etc, and so on.

The nature of this request is of utmost importance to the American Public. The implications involved with the nature of this issue are unprecidented and unparalleled. What is at stake is the already compromised privacy and rights of the American Public (i.e. the N.S.A., DARPA's T.I.A. & more, the Federal government in general, and even Google) at best, and the destruction or enslavement of humanity at worst. I've been through all of your available literature and nowhere to be found are any ideas or plans on how NASA or others are confident that an AGI "hard takeoff" event like that seen in the movies would not occur, and even top professionals in the field such as Hugo de Garis and Ben Goertzal agree that such an event is part of the reality we face as we enter this new paradigm. As it stands 95% of the public are absolutely clueless to these developments at the Federal level, and public discourse is nonexistent, despite the fact that it carries the most profound religious and ethical concerns that could possibly be contemplated.

I'm merely an individual who intends on making the contents of the request completely open to the public domain, and to issue press releases and other media based on the conclusions of such.

Considering all of the above, this request falls squarely under FOIA 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) for a waiver or reduction of fees.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 06:17 PM
Very well done. You expressed yourself in an intellegent, knowledgeable manner.

I have read your posts frequently and I find you to be one who is willing to take action and not just armchair quarterback.

Please keep us posted if they respond to your request for info.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Great request, it shows you put some thought and effort into it.

I was just discussing your NBIC studies in another thread the other day.

Can't wait to hear what you get(or what is glossed over) regarding this AI...

Keep up the good work.


posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Not trying to be negative on this, but are you sure that this FOIA request is worded properly, or is specific enough to get a meaningful reply?

I think it also has some other problems.
1. It's too long and wordy;
2. It touches on several different topics, diluting the effective point;
3. It contains subjective information, some of it sensationalistic ('the destruction or enslavement of humanity'??)

Is there not a form that you can go by to help you formulate a properly worded, concise request?

I'd hate to see you miss out on your intent or get labeled as a fringe element just due to the wording of your request.

I'm not sure why you're telling them your reasons for making the request. I'd be surprised if that has any bearing on what they might release.

At any rate good luck, hope it works! (thanks for sharing).

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 06:47 PM
I applaud the effort. Bravo. You may wish to cite a specific known program and department if you have that data. Just an example, let's say you "knew" NASA had AI data and it was being suppressed.

One might try and cite a system involved say like the Columbia 10240 processor SGI at Ames and you felt there was a "project" running that was the "workshop for the AI" within a computational project like Ron Bailey II's "Computing in LOGIC SCRIPT" (listed at the link), then it would be helpful to cite that the program is "run" out of Goddard Spaceflght Center even though it's AMES.

As Badge01 has said "Be specific", they will require you to satisfy every "little detail" in writing upfront or the request can be rejected and just because of the lack of clarity.

I do hope you are successful. I wish I could do some FOIA work of my own but hey being Canadian has other advantages.

Best Luck!


NASA Columbia photo page.

[edit on 28-7-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 07:07 PM
Thanks above

Originally posted by Badge01
Not trying to be negative on this, but are you sure that this FOIA request is worded properly, or is specific enough to get a meaningful reply?

I think it also has some other problems.
1. It's too long and wordy;
2. It touches on several different topics, diluting the effective point;
3. It contains subjective information, some of it sensationalistic ('the destruction or enslavement of humanity'??)
I'm not sure why you're telling them your reasons for making the request.

I did my best with what I know. I tried to be specific enough to get something out of it, and named the top names on my list. I would have prefered to not even need to explain that last 'sensationalist' portion, but I'm borderline flat broke so I tried my best to make ample reason why I should get the costs waivered, which would be thousands of dollars by the time they gathered even half of that data and then provided it.

There probably is some guide somewhere. Didn't think about it the entire process was rather impromptu idea turned into reality in 2 hours style.

(a) NASA shall furnish documents without charge or at reduced charges in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(iii), provided that:

(1) Disclosure of the information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and

(2) It is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.

So most of the request was written thru that 'filter'.

[edit on 28-7-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
I applaud the effort. Bravo. You may wish to cite a specific known program and department if you have that data. Just an example, let's say you "knew" NASA had AI data and it was being suppressed.

"Intelligent Archives" is the one I'm mostly focused on. Ames is literally right next door to the main Googleplex HQ so Ames activities are the biggest on my radar screen.

Great links

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Take your time... do some research on the FOIA request process. Maybe see if you can get some information on a successful FOIA request and pattern yours similarly. The FOIA is there for your use and lots of good comes out of the process. It not just what you ask but how you ask it.

Don't discount the idea of looking for the "lowest point in the chain" to focus your query... "people who work there" and "less-than-department head" level info are often more revealing than asking Mike Griffin or Shana Dale.

You have my admiration, and envy,



[edit on 28-7-2007 by V Kaminski]

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