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Post 911 brainwashing via radio

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posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 11:46 AM
How many of you guys remember for like a month or two right after 911? I'm talking specifically about the radio. Hard rock stations played soft rock, etc. and we were constantly bombarded by feel good commercials. I specifically remember thinking at the time that I felt as if I were being "influenced" either oblately or insidiously through hidden messages in the songs.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 12:23 PM
Um, no. Not up here in the northeast. I listen to WAAF and WBCN. The music was just as hard, with the addition of more patriotic songs. I don't call being patriotic "brainwashed".

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 04:06 PM
I listen to mostly country music and in my neck of the woods it was over the top patriotic after 9/11, I am not saying that's brain washing, but it was really over the top. Everyday at noon now on the old folks country station they play the Star Spangled Banner, sung by differant artists everyday, and they still do this 6 years later. They never did it before, but then again, these are the same jerks who banned the Dixie Chicks. Being a country girl at heart, living in the midwest and loving horses and all that stuff automatically makes people think I (the demographic for country music) am a republican and that I want to hear the freaking national anthem everyday and also want to ban the Dixie Chicks, my how wrong they are.

Not brainwashed by radio, but sick of hearing a song that I think was founded on freedom when we are far from being free!

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Oh ya, definitely ! There was that list of song not to play after 9/11

Here is a HUGE list of songs that Clear Channel "preferred" weren't played on the radio.

ps. most americans are automagically repulsed by the idea that any brainwashing could take place in this country BUT most people will admit that the programming on tv and radio has changed substantial since 9/11 !

[edit on 28-7-2007 by discomfit]

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by discomfit
BUT most people will admit that the programming on tv and radio has changed substantial since 9/11 !

Discomfit...please tell me (us) this substatial change in TY & radio ... I for one watch WAY too much TV and have not seen any difference in the garbage I tune into.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Yes, I remember all the songs that were no longer played on the radio. I remember hearing a lot about John Lennon's "Imagine" not being played, and not hearing the song on the radio for months after 9/11.

I had forgotten about that, as well. Strangely enough, I can't even figure out for the life of me why some of those songs were on the "preferred list" at all.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 07:07 PM
Why would such a beautiful song as "Imagine" be taken off the airwaves?
Even after an event such as 9/11 ?

If anything we could imagine what a peaceful world would be like?

I forgot the word Peace is not in-vogue anymore :shk:

Imagine that.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I forgot the word Peace is not in-vogue anymore :shk:

Yes it is dg, its just called war now.
You know, war IS peace.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 08:27 PM
There are no Hard Rock stations in NYC for years now.

They don't want the people to get agitated.

School books now have the pancake and weaken steel fairy tale
in school books as far as I can tell from internet posts.
Unless conspiracy forum posts are dis information.

I suppose the sheeple teachers are spinning the tale along with their dreadels.

I had non book mentions of Tesla and atomic gases and isotope non
Einsteinian performance when I grew up.

In college it was straight CIA controlled science dictatorship:

The Sceince Dictatorship

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:25 AM
This thread is a very important one as far as I am concerned.

This morning I was listening to the radio (in Toronto, and yes I know that Toronto is not in the US.) and I heard a discussion between a talkshow host and one of his guests. They were ragging on "blogs" and other forms of web journalism where "anyone can sit in front of their keyboard and publish anything that comes into their head". They regarded such journalism to be a dangerous and inferior product.

To me, this sort of thing is part and parcel of the installation of an over arching media dictatorship. In that sense it is much like the massaging of playlists to set an emotional tone for the population.

The talkshow host in question is an entertaining and provocative guy, but only within narrowly defined areas of controversy. He shakes it up and gets riled about certain issues and serves as a steam valve of sorts and no doubt aids certain worthy political agendas (at city hall for example). The important thing is though, that this person never even approaches 9/11 related issues, or even acknowledges that there are 9/11 issues.

The average guy, who's interested in controversy or who wants to know what people are getting wound up about these days, will never get an inkling that some people think things are not "kosher" re 9/11. It's like somebody substituted a robotic canary in the coal mine for the real sensitive, vulnerable canary that miner's lives depend on. The new canary will sing as if nothing is happening as the poison gases build up.

To wrap it up, I should say that I'm a bit of a history buff. My area of special interest is the rise of Nazi power in Germany and the political turmoil in Germany and other countries at the time. One of the things you learn is that many countries (except Germany) were prepared to fight WW1 over again when WW2 broke out. Except for a vigilant few (think Churchill, De Gaulle etc.) no one recognised the new military threat. IT CAME IN A FORM THEY HAD NOT SEEN BEFORE.

In the same way, people will not recognize the rise of a new fascist dictatorship because it is not going to march into town in fancy uniforms with a lot of neat logos, beating up people in the street and targeting businesses run by certain ethnic groups. THIS TIME IT IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT AND MORE SUBTLE. It's already happening.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Discomfit...please tell me (us) this substatial change in TY & radio ... I for one watch WAY too much TV and have not seen any difference in the garbage I tune into.

After 9/11 but before the Iraq war the amount of military shows on TV went through the freaking roof. At the time my room mate (marine/desert storm vet) assured me we were going to war with Iraq based on that fact alone - the media was working in concert with the government to put the American people in a "positive military mind". Not for Afganistan, but for Iraq.

Countless shows since then have come and gone telling of Saddams evil deeds yet they all failed to mention that Saddam was our creation. We gave him the WMD, we helped Saddam in many of the same dirty deeds we lated used as justification for invasion.

These weren't shows about the horrors of war, these were patriotic shows presenting war and the US military in the best light possible. The number of these types of shows exploded and is still at a very high level. These shows completely sanitize war , never mentioning the horrors of war , only how our patriotic troops fight to defend the motherland from terrorism, all their neat toys, and so on and so forth.

Clear Channel came out with a list of songs it "preferred" weren't played. Clear Channel operates _a lot_ of radio stations. In a town close to me they own/operate at least 50%+ of the major stations on both the AM and FM dial.

Even to this day the media still operates mainly in a "support the troops, support the war" mentality. Stuff that broke as news a long ass time ago has to wait months (or years) before the mainstream will touch it because it could be "harmful to the war effort".

Case in point : Pat Tillman. I heard about his "situation" YEARS ago yet only recently have the mass media given it any serious play. There are numerous examples of this. The media is not working in our best interest. They are part of the "merchants of death", the "military industrial complex". They are part of the problem masquerading as the solution, as the gatekeepers.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by discomfit]

[edit on 2-8-2007 by discomfit]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Why would such a beautiful song as "Imagine" be taken off the airwaves?
Even after an event such as 9/11 ?

Because when you are using false flag terrorism to promote fear which will catalyze the public behind your war agenda you do not play "peace" songs.

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