posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:46 AM
I for one will not be 'politically correct' I refuse to strive to be some clone of pure tolerance.
Both humans and animals alike have prejudices, and different tolerances toward certain groups.
I have my own personal preferences and prejudices. Am I ignorant, no cause the word is often used incorrectly and has been redefined under the
umbrella term "tolerance". I have the full knowledge of why and what my preferences entail. Ignorance means uneducated, unlearned, lacking
knowledge, but I in fact have full knowledge, highly educated and I as a human choose to have preferences and prejudices that I as a human have the
right to.
With that said I do not attack anyone and I agree with stopping attacks, although I do find it funny that many constantly attack religious groups. Day
after day christians are attacked or their religion dragged through mud the most, with muslims and jews not far behind. Yet there is no major ground
shaking rules set for that. Cause in today's society it's become the norm to attack religion.
So I have my own prejudices and everyone does, which makes us human. More totally tolerant politically correct society is too scary, and mindless
'yes-men' drones is not what we need.
But I would not attack any specific race or group and never have, but a lot of people always mistake discussing preference as being racist which it is
not. If one has a preference to one thing and does not prefer another does not make one racist, it only serves the point of a preference. It's only
when one person attacks another group does that make one racist.
People seem to get it all mixed up nowdays.
But I agree in principle attacks regardless or race isn't good. But discussing preferences and prejudices is NOT racist at all
[edit on 9/22/2009 by Cito]