A mere acronym of 2 letters (DU) is all it takes to completely destroy Al Gore and his projected divine destiny to save the earth from man-made
environmental doomsday.
I hadn't actually thought of this until I recently finished his "Assault on Reason" book. It should have been titled The Assault on Bush as he
joked about it
not being, in a video interview, because there's hardly a page in it that doesn't mention GWB and his minions. One could
hardly articulate such a sophisticated blackballing, however, Al Gore actually did while bending over backwards to not step into "conspiracy
theorist" world. And his trouncing of the Bush Junta is well deserved and I do recommend all people read this book.
It's important that Gore didn't go full blown conspiracy theorist as that would obviously implicate him with things like 9/11 and
Nato warplanes dropped ten-thousand rounds of depleted uranium ammunition in Bosnia in 1994 and 1995.
Soldiers from several troop contributing countries, including Italy, Portugal and France, have fallen ill with what's being called Balkan Syndrome.
news.bbc.co.uk...Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
In page after page Al attacks Bush's very essence, and in particular Bush's environmental policies and the Iraqi Invasion / Occupation. Al slams
Dubya on Iraq, while patting himself on the back for the Balkans sectarian conflict
that they engineered. The most notable
common thread between these 2 conflicts and these 2 men is the Depleted Uranium issue. Others include the engineering conflicts, sectarian conflict
scenarios, the use of Al Qaeda as an instrument of tactical subversiveness, and even oil (pipelines).
It turns out that DU has a 4.5 BILLION Year halflife. The "Clinton-Gore Administration", as Al calls it at every chance in his book, used DU
munitions in the conflict that started and lasted over virtually the entire 8 year reign of the Clinton-Gore Administration.
Now we have Shrub using the same stuff that is absolutely sure to contaminate the
environment until what could be considered the end of time
(science models predict that the Sun and life on Earth will expire well before one billion years before the DU munitions reach their half-life), but
oddly enough Al Gore somehow managed to forget to mention this little tidbit in his all out partisan Bush crucifixion hit-piece book that focuses on
both the Iraq imperial power move and the environment.
Of course, a sincere apology required an admission of error and a willingness to accept responsibility and to hold people accountable.
President Bush seems not only unwilling to acknowledge error, but thus far has seemed unwilling to hold anyone in his administration
accountable for the worst strategic and military miscalculations and mistakes in our entire history.
-Al Gore, The Assault on Reason, page 177
[edit on 26-7-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]