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My Pet Theory

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posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 10:38 PM
My First Post on ATS, well sort of. Like every other pet theory, I do have one on 9/11. Well, a big group of people have been stating on this forum that if 9/11 was an inside job it would have taken hundreds of people to be involved and nobody can keep a secret. Folks, I'm going to have to draw the line. It took 300 senators to be part of a conspiracy to kill Ceasar. It can happen. Another example.

CIA.Gov This collection -- 5,120 documents (over 14,000 pages) -- chronicles CIA involvement in the 1954 coup in Guatemala. These records encompass the events and circumstances causing U.S. policymakers to plan the overthrow of the Guatemalan Government in June 1954 as Cold War tensions mounted between the two superpowers, the U.S. and Soviet Union; CIA plans for and execution of the covert action; the outcome; and CIA historical analysis of CIA's performance and impact of the coup. The collection includes reviews of the event by CIA historians, administrative memos regarding operational plans and internal approvals; operational cable traffic; and summaries of the Sherwood tapes used for propaganda purposes.

This plan to overthrow the democratically elected President of Guatemala was under the sponsorship of the CIA and they knew this President had no ties to the USSR after they had spied on him (of course). And this took a couple of years to plan and execute. This took hundreds of people and it succeeded. I can provide much more examples of covert operations that had hundreds of people doing dishonest and immoral activities.

My Pet Theory: I am going to deal with the control demolition of the WTC's and the people who rigged it. (Of course I could be wrong). You would need a team of people not experts. (A monkey can plant explosives). Of course planning, back up plans, and finally execution. Think about this the Homeless and Native Americans. A good portion of the homeless are substance abusers and military veterans. Native Americans have a big problem with alcohol.

Challenges to Health and Well-Being of Native American CommunitiesAlcohol misuse
Alcohol misuse is considered by most of America¡¦s indigenous population to be their most serious and significant health problem; it is a problem that affects almost every facet of life. Discussions about mental and physical health, deviance, familial problems, and community structure and function among Native Americans must include, in some form or another, alcohol use and misuse influences.

I can dig up statistics on the homeless pertaining to substance abuse. Anyways, you would need to train them and pay them off. Also, leaders or representatives from the conspirators would need to keep an eye on them and if it was me I would recruit only former military and intelligence operatives(mercenaries). Can't have current military and intelligence operatives running around planting explosives. If they do get caught, the most likely reasons for their excuse(terrorism drill, conspirators would disavow: planted story another type of Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.)

Back to the Team: If they do talk who's going to believe them? Their credibility has gone out the window. Seriously, who's going to believe a drug addict, alcoholic, and a hobo? You only need a small number of controllers to make sure they stay in line. Thats it. You would need people in high places and the lower ranks are on a need to know basis. If they become a murder victim, its likely that the hitman would only know the face not the reason behind that death. I mean you don't need hundreds of people. I feel if 9/11 is an inside job, a rogue element of this government might have been responsible.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Alright, opinions please?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 09:51 PM
I absolutely believe it COULD have been an inside job.
Sometimes a large group makes it easier to keep secret, happens all the time(code of silence).

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:16 PM
Thanks for the comment. I also wanted people to give their opinions on my scenario. But hey can't get everything.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:00 PM
The gov has plenty of private rogue groups it could call on to do the job, no need to use drug
People with no emotional ties to the US and happy to receive a large sum of money. Probably paid from $100m that went missing.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
The gov has plenty of private rogue groups it could call on to do the job, no need to use drug
People with no emotional ties to the US and happy to receive a large sum of money. Probably paid from $100m that went missing.

I'm curious are you talking from experience? Like employed in military or intelligence agencies? Which private groups are you talking about?

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