posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 01:14 AM
1. The clip has clearly been through video editing software - you can see it best in the second clip - it looks like the movie was shot with a
pre-"standard 8"/"Super8" camera. Why on earth would you want to give your Bigfoot clip the "old movie" effect? This alone already takes away
all credibility the film could have had.
"Honey, I shrunk Bigfoot". The Bigfoot isn't much bigger than the leaves and grass visible in the seconds prior to the shot of the waving
Bigfoot. (Well, that said it would be nice to see a Bigfoot waving for a change, and not give the angry "over-the-shoulder-Patterson look".) I'll
put my money on action figure - or doll as Pinkus2323 suggested.
So hoaxers aren't even going out to the woods anymore? They're just doing "it" in their own back yards? Lazy scum.