posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Just to let you know, I'm not using the term pikey as specifically "Irish traveller". In my area it's used as a general term for travellers and
gypsies regardless of nationality.
I've often heard travellers referred to as "Do what you likey's", mainly due to their attitude of being above the law. This is sadly fairly
common, they live in tight knit communities and the Police simply will not act against them in cases of theft. The only time I've seen the Police do
anything was a year or so ago when two rival "families" had a nasty fight, some of whom got shot and stabbed! So, I guess the only time I've seen
the Police do anything useful is when attempting to stop them killing each other!
Anyway...... none of that's relavent to the topic as such. I refuse to recognise "travellers" (like the ones in England) as nomads in the
traditional sense. Not like the nomads of asia who's lives haven't really changed much for thousands of years.