posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 01:29 PM
My dreams always feel 'too real'. Whether it's a natural thing or something out of the ordinary I do not know.
I had several weird dreams with you I'd like to share, all making me feel very very too real:
1. Had a dream I was being chased by T1000 (Robert Patrick from T2). He morphed his arm into a sword and stabbed me in the stomach. I immediately
woke up and looked at my stomach.
2. Reoccurring dream where I'm driving/running over a sharp ascent, then when I get over the hill, I start to fall and can feel that weird feeling
in your stomach you get just before starting to fall.
3. Had a dream once where I was home alone, 7 years old in the dream (but I was about 16 at the time). Someone was trying to break in, banging on
the door very hard. Person was covered in a black hood, same ones that kidnapped people wear (or their assailants). Once the person broke down the
door, I jumped on them and stabbed them in the back of the neck. As they went down and the blood started to spill, I removed the hood and it was my
dad. I will never forget that dream.
There you go, you're not alone