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9/11 smoking gun - the Pyroclastic Flow

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posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:35 AM
The type of cloud which engulfed lower Manhatten on 9/11 is only ever seen elsewhere in volcanic eruptions.

It was a Pyroclastic Flow.

The US Geological Survey definition of a Pyroclastic Flow is a ground hugging avalanche of hot gas and debris. These phenomenon are typically visible only during volcanic eruptions and controlled demolition of buildings. It requires explosive energy to generate the necessary heat, dust, and debris. Turbulence and fluidization of debris are characteristic.

A pyroclastic surge can even flow over water as hot gases carry dust created by explosive energy. The South Tower implosion created a pyroclastic surge, which moved out over the Hudson river.

Side by side: A volcano, and the 9/11 Pyroclastic Flow:

Vivid proof of explosives at the World Trade Center, and an eye witness describes the "hot" dust cloud:

9/11, signed, sealed and delivered?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:16 AM
No, it wasn't a pyroclastic flow. It was a gravity current, which describes the way a pyroclastic flow works. In this case, the dust cloud of the WTC was denser than the surrounding air. This causes it to fall downwards, and as it does so it spreads outwards. This also causes it to speed up, and due to it being full of dust and ash and whatever else, you can see it. Admittedly it looks a lot like a pyroclastic flow, and both are gravity currents, but the similarities really end there.

The flow from a volcano occurs (generally) when the force in the eruptive column is insufficient to propel it upwards, and it flows downwards, creating the flow. And due to the large amounts of energy involved, it is very fast. The WTC cloud was not that fast.

And sorry, but it's not just seen with volcanic eruptions in nature. Avalanches are an example too.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 04:17 AM
I'm sorry, it IS only seen elsewhere in volcanic eruptions. An avalanche cannot supply the HEAT (H.E.A.T.) required for the flow to be PYROclastic (PYRO meaning Fire/hot) and neither can a simple building collapse - explosives however create the neccessary heat AND debris for a pyroclastic flow to occur, hence the phenomenom is seen in building demolitions and eruptions.

I provided a link to a video where an eye witness said the cloud was "Hot" and "like having gravel thrown at your back."

Pyroclastic = Pyro (latin for heat/fire) and clastic (meaning gravel/rocks) hence PYROCLASTC Flow. The eye witness said the cloud was HOT and GRAVELLY, you see - PYRO-CLASTIC. In a demolition the explosives provide the heat, in an eruption the lava.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by ad19t]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 05:19 AM
Yes, they describe it as hot. I don't know why they might describe it as hot, I can't think of anything other than fires to give enough heat. If it had been a true pyroclastic flow, rather than a gravity current, a lot more people would have died. You don't realise how much difference thee is between something someone describes as hot, and a pyroclastic flow. A pyroclastic flow, can reach temperatures of 1,000 degrees C. Now, that does this sort of thing to people:
(graphic image) (Image from BBC docudrama, Supervolcano.)

If you can get proof of that happening to people standing in the streets, I'll describe it as a pyroclastic flow. Also, people filmed it inside the flow, and suffered no ill effects other than maybe smoke/dust inhalation. It wasn't a pyroclastic flow, it was a gravity current.

Edit, spelling.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by apex]

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