Let's hold the key. That thousands BMs which launched from China must destroy any airforce Taiwan gained. In LandArmy we say "the best method for
resist tank is tank self", in navy, we say "Submarine is the best way to confront enemy's sub", so I think that allowing Taiwan develop self BM or
CM is the best way for defence TAIWAN.
The best defense for Taiwan is for the U.K. and U.S. to take the Russian approach, which is to heavily invest into the country you are seeking to
protect. Because Russia has a huge investment in Iran, it makes it harder for the United States to attack. If the United States and the United Kingdom
ramped up their investment in Taiwan by 20% and made it known on a daily basis that they are investing in Taiwan, China will be less likely to
initiate any action against Taiwan.
The more economic and commercial ties we have with Taiwan the less incentive China will have to attack. If the United States chooses this path then
China can thank Vladimir Putin for the great idea.