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Special Weapons, Were they Used on 9/11?

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Ok, until now I have rejected all these crazy theories about high tech weapons but these video's of what they are willing to show us, makes me think what do they have that we don't know about, that COULD have been used.
I got thinking about this because of some quotes from some of the firemen that where not in the WTC but said vehicles around them where blowing up and catching fire, then they were on fire too! I didn't know this.
How is this explained? And I don't think anybody knows.

Anyways here are some vids of these new high tech weapons that are being shown and developed
Looks like they are building non-lethel anti-protestor weapons with this one.

Anyways I am not so sure anymore, and I am just not sure how they could have been used.

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

[edit on 21-7-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 09:54 AM

Dear Mr. Gould and Mr. Boyd

Re: Were oil company bombs, cutters used to 'pull' WTC #7?

A former (1965-1980) Schlumberger field engineer and researcher into computerized real-world data fusion, I am now a forensic economist investigating the special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams used to execute the precise and co-ordinated series of attacks on 9/11.

I invite the board of directors of both of your companies to investigate the possible use of oil company remote-controlled bomb and cutter technologies by as-yet unidentified organizations which decided to ‘pull’ – industry jargon for demolish – WTC building #7.

WTC#7 became the first steel-frame building in history to collapse through fire. The collapse generated pools of molten steel in the debris piles at the site, consistent with the ignition of chemical (thermite) cutters pre-positioned by wireline inside its structural box columns and the remote-controlled detonation of atomized aluminum powder or ‘rocket fuel’ bombs in segregated column sections.

Schlumberger’s “Casing and Tubing Cutters” document has, “Cutters used to sever tubing or casing .. Jet cutters cut casing in a flat plane perpendicular to the casing wall. Chemical cutters burn the casing .. Applications: .. Burr- and flare-free cutting with chemical cutters; Bomb for heavy drillpipe or casing [base of box columns 4” thick]”.

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