posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 08:36 PM
I don’t find this to be evidence of more governmental terrorist fear mongering as much as the news media trying to make a story out of nothing. So
long as we buy papers when we see this on the front page or stop pressing buttons on the clicker when we notice the heads discussing it, it is
considered news worthy.
Hell, the simple fact that we are discussing it here show that the media knows what they are doing, that they can recognize and advance a money making
Now on the flip side of all this, what would we be saying if the media did not make a big deal of this, buried it on page 19B? It would more evidence
of government cover up, a foiled Gulf of Tonkin, a true conspiracy.
They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, but I think they deserve the damning.