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The Definitive Anti-Gravity Reference

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posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 03:30 PM
If you think you've read everything there is think again. This is the most complete reference on Anti-Gravity work I have ever run across.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 08:17 AM
Fascinating stuff on that link, and a lot of it, it'll take a while for me to get through it


I have an acquaintance at one of the national research laboratories who is usually very

talkative when we talk about life in general and even technical things - but he shuts up

everytime I bring up electrogravitics or anti-gravity...
I don't know whether he just thinks it's a ridiculous concept and that I'm stupid for even

asking - or if he shuts up because he can't say anything about it.

It's really an unusual circumstance in an otherwise good friendship - definitely makes me

wonder what could be going on at that facility.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 09:02 AM
Most science types will not endulge in speculation of fringe science. The educational system frowns on such things and being educated trains you to dismiss what you have not learned.

I got started with it trying to design a simple electro-static motor with variable speed, and high torque. Doing research I came across work by Brown, and others. At first I dismissed it myself as silliness, but after running across so many references I decided to look closer. I found the only real tests published were questionable, or positive. I never really thought of designing a flying device until I saw on the internet that someone else had built on. Now I must build the most efficient one that I can with my resources.

I would love to have a vacuum chamber, but anything I could afford would not get me past the plasma discharge range.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Most science types will not endulge in speculation of fringe science. The educational system frowns on such things and being educated trains you to dismiss what you have not learned.

Well said ArchAngel!!

Looking at this post, I was reminded of Professor Eric Laithwaite and his work with gyroscopes - and the subsequent ridicule he under went from the "establishemnt":

"'After the Royal Institution lecture all hell broke loose, primarily as a result of an article in the New Scientist, followed up by articles in the daily press with headlines such as "Laithwaite defies Newton". The press is always excited by the possibility of an anti-gravity machine, because of space ships and science fiction, and the minute you say you can make something rise against gravity, then you've "made an antigravity machine". And then the flood gates are unleashed on you especially from the establishment. You've brought science into disrepute or you're apparently trying to because you've done something that is against the run of the tide.'

The resounding silence of his audience continued long after that fateful evening. There was to be no Fellowship of the Royal Society, no gold medal, no 'Arise, Sir Eric'. And, for the first time in two hundred years, there was to be no published 'proceedings' recording Laithwaite's astonishing lecture. In an unprecedented act of academic Stalinism, the Royal Institution simply banished the memory of Professor Laithwaite, his gyroscopes that became lighter, his lecture, even his existence."

Full article at:

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 09:30 AM
The mantra 'You're with us, or you're against us' echo's loudest in the halls of higher learning.

How poor.


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