posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:11 AM
I started getting tired, so I didn't get through the whole thread ...
but to people who claim there is no evidence for those who try to convince others ... and we are just conspiracy happy (which I try to have no
pre-conceived notions ... I wish the world was sweet and happy)
I had tried to convince my family for some time ... I think I got the 'sure, whatever' agreement ... and what further solidified that is when my
last attempt to open my mother's eyes ... finally started to break through as a reality, not just a 'story' or something I picked up from the
I was showing pictures of the hole in the Pentagon and the debris ... lack of surrounding surviellence camera videos being released, etc. still had
that kind of blah look on her face ... been over the structure of the towers and where the planes hit (one didn't even contact the central
structure), the possibility of radio controlled planes (like they use for crash testing), the collapse rate vs. impacting floors, and planned
demolitions other places ... the molten metal, the residual heat, the seizmic readings ... etc. she did find it all interesting, but ...
when I showed her the Oklahoma building still standing after being bombed, then showed her the way WTC7 fell ... her eyes opened wider and said,
there really is something to what you are saying. I played the building falling several times, pointed out how the top collapsed (the center of the
building started to fall just before the outside) ... she then said she didn't realize that building had fallen. Then I told her those are the only
three buildings to ever fall from a fire ... two quarter mile tall buildings hit near the top burning for an hour, and a building that wasn't hit by
anything, and the surrounding buildings, which would have had the same debris, had no similar damage. That the guy who bought the towers, took out an
insurance policy and made money on them falling, the 7 building had Enron papers, as well as a lot of other sensitive documents from various gov't
That night, I made a believer out of her ... from the evidence. Once you get them to see one thing, the other stuff makes more sense. But, people
won't see what they don't want to, until you make it so clear on at least one portion, to break that glazed over attitude the media, even local
news, has put the people in our society into.
There are a lot of ideas and theories that are hard to accept for a lot of people ... but if you can see the truth through the haze, you need to find
your way to share it. Society seem to trust the unseen government more than the humans in their daily lives.
I agree some young people are caught up in junk, and they have been slowly teaching them to be ok with control ... but, i think the inherent rebel
attitude will come back when they start to feel the oppression ... I think the youth are sleeping with one eye open, and will take the role of
revolutionaries if and when the time comes.
The administration has set the timing and path ... will they take it? They have gone far to achieve their goals recently ... and the same has
happened in the past. History does tend to repeat itself ... but, we have all studied about WWII in school, and when we see the line being crossed
... the fire in people's hearts will begin to burn again. The world has seen many people and governments try to oppress the people of the world ...
they never rule forever ... Rome ... Nazi ... they all fall, whether swiftly or not. Even slaves managed to escape and find freedom from their
oppressors, and they didn't have much more to escape with but their feet. We will never be beaten ... it is in our spirit/souls to be free and rise
up against corruption. Long live the resistance ... the resistance against tyranny ... abuses of power. There are countries out there to support
us, if our government does try to squash the true patriots, but we have to stand up for ourselves first.