posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Roper
How about some other friends having a good time with ya'?
Nice try though.
Here is the gist.
I live about 30 mins away from all of my friends!
This was 2:30AM on a work night.
All of my friends have regular working hours(9-5 ish) mon-fri.
Plus none of my other friends know about what has happened here or would go out of their way to do somthing as random as this.
It is just me, my roomate, and my/our other friend that frequents the house that know about the original encounter.
As for other people we don't know. My neighbors across the drive are about 75-80 years old. Barely move let alone fixing some sort of weird hoax.
The neighbor that lives in the other side of the townhouse is about 34 years old and wouldn't ever do anything like this. She also works a 9-5
I can't think of anyone who would do this, as they would have to wait in the woods quietly for an ambiguous opertunity such as this(@ 2:30 am).
Wouldnt you think that a potential troublemaker would have tried to scare them or dress in a costume or something. This is way too random for someone
that lives around me to orchistrate(spelling? is suck at it)
Although I appreciate the replies!
[edit on 1-8-2007 by IMAdamnALIEN]