Recently, I was approached by a gentleman about an opportunity that could change my life forever, and so far, it has.
First some background:
I have wanted to open an online buisness for some time now. I find it could be a great suppliment to my current income, and hopefully provide me with
more free time to do the things I really want to do, and get off someone else's timecard. Well, just as I thought the time was right to get my
buisness off the ground, I was approached by a man. This man said to me:
"Are you happy with your job?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Do you see yourself still doing this in 30 years?"
"How would you like to have more free time, and get paid for it?"
Of course, all of these things appealed to me, as they would to every one of you reading this. This man, while he is a very nice guy, told me of a
"buisness" where I can buy/sell things online, and achieve this time I had been wanting.
At first, I was skeptical, unsure of what was to happen, he really didn't give me much information, except that it would cost me $140 to get a pin #
for access to the Quixtar mainframe, and connections to people who will setup up to 4 individual websites for me to sell over 1.5 million products.
Sound great?
I thought so, kinda. I was very cautious, as it sounded kinda like a pyramid scheme. The idea is that you can get other people involved as well, and
you not only make money from yourself, but you make a percentage of everyone's sales, including everyone who buys things from your website.
Here is the link to
Quixtar's website.
Upon a second meeting with this gentleman, I noticed a patter of "lack of information". He was telling me everything I needed to hear, but not
really what I wanted to know. My most glaring questions were, "what is the name of this buisness?" After a "monthly meeting" that he and his
uplines had at a motel meeting room pep rally, I finally got the information I needed.
The "buisness" works as a multi-level-marketing platform. You are encouraged to change the way you buy things in your everyday life. You are
supposed to get products at wholesale, save the advertising money as profit, and encourage others via personal meetings to open their websites under
you so that you can make a percentage of their profit too. You also are encourage to listen to "the tools", which are motivational CD's that
basically say the same exact thing in different words, on every disc. Why do I know this, because I listened to four of them and they were.
Has anyone else been approached by a member of this organization? Of course, the will refer to themselves as "the buisness" rather than Quixtar.
Here are some links to information on Quixtar and their relation to Amway, as well as some reviews of their shady buisness practices.
How many of you have heard of it?