posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 02:34 PM
I watched the one on the history channel last night and this one from sci-fi channel on Youtube. At least the one on the history channel found
something that was physical, which many seem to be more interested in.It's a shame they didn't elaborate more into this possible technology in
The sci-fi show: People who go under hypno-regression therapy etc. is still very questionable. Especially if they were hypnotized and had some
abduction story implanted as some abductess supposedly are with false memories.
His story through hypnosis suggests that what he had been in actual proximity of, was actually some type of probe, android or robot etc.
His outside alleged previous view or vision of what he believed was a large diamond or crystal, may have just been a false implanted memory of a
craft that didn't exist, possibly by this same probe device.
Some may even suggest that many abductions and or visitations, happen from under ground, or portals in nearby buildings, rather than from above and
actually ocurring in their own homes and bedrooms. Similar to the sci-fi movie: Darkman.
The lack of other witnesses also suggests this false memory.
I still like the idea of hypno regression in at least part of their segment for witnesses that may have more vivid accounts of these so-called
warnings from their abductors. They might even explain in better detail where they're from or parts of their technology.
[edit on 31-1-2008 by aleon1018]